What happend to realtouchscripts.com?

Somebody know more about? Why is the site down?

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Was on OVH servers who burns (theory)

Yeah i have wondered the same.

I thought I visited realtouchscripts.com a few hours after the fire. Maybe all data is lost… pure horror :dizzy_face:

Searching on whois sites indicates that RTS is hosted in the US so the OVH fire is unlikely to be the culprit for the site being down. RTS also return http error 500 which indicates that there is still a server listening for http requests.

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it is still down but server is active so ???

Did we every get ahold of all of those scripts? @Cloudyfire @hugecat or anyone else who knows…

I have many many scripts from RTS.

To any scripters that have lost work please reach out to me I will do my best to search out the files and get them over to you.

If you are not the content creator please do not reach out. Once the content creator gets a hold of their work I am sure they will repost it if they intend to.

the #script-creator-portfolios:archived-scripts-from-rts is what it is. If there’s anything missing, I can’t do anything at this point.



besides… rts was going down anyway, the admin/founder was gone logntime ago and never returned. One of the main reasons that eroscripts was founded… In fact it was a matter of time til the forum went down for good. I would be surprised if it will go online again.


@M0SAIC im also glad i downloaded most of the scripts i wanted from rts the past months…

Well shit, glad I migrated everything over here then.


Hey could you share those scripts that you downloaded

Hi, I don’t know if it hasn’t already been answered, but… this link contains at least part of the content from realtouchscripts.com Funscripts (Fleshlight Launch) Collection :: Sukebei

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