What is OSR2/SR6?

To my understanding, these devices are for multi axis scripts which utilize more directions rather than only up and down devices like the Handy. However, I’ve noticed on #general:sales that different people are selling prebuilt kits. So correct me if I’m mistaken, but the OSR2/SR6 is not a proprietary device like the Handy but rather a different parts assembled to create these devices similar to the keyboard hobby.
Some other questions:

  1. What is the difference between OSR2, SR6, and other related devices?
  2. Do these devices work with scripts designed for only up and down motions (essentially asking if it can replace my Handy)?
  3. What is the compatibility with different sleeves? I own a fleshlight and it would be interesting to use it with scripts.
  4. What is the difference in experience with multi axis scripts when compared to up and down scripts?
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  1. osr2 has - up/down,side to side, back and forth,usually has twist aswell
    sr6 offers same as osr2 with addition to moving fl side to side , back and forth
  2. yes they work with up/down scripts and can find many other scripts on site under the multi-axis tab that offers additional scripts for the respected axis of the osr2 or sr6
  3. there are many adapters available that can fit just about any sleeve for it
  4. adds more realism to it yes up/down is fun to but add all the other axis on top of it and get a totally different experience

If you are considering buying it premade id suggest going straight to the SR6. The OSR2 is great but the SR6 is in a leauge of its own. There aren’t alot of script for multiaxis unfortunately but the ones that exist are pretty great

  1. As others have mentioned, there are different movements they can do. Something to note though is that the SR6 (and presumably the ORS2) require some upkeep at a level that you don’t really have to worry about with commercial devices. Just be aware that its might not be a “white glove” experience. I’ve had a SR6 a little over a week now and I think I’ve had to take it apart at least three times to adjust screws that have backed out or re-align parts. When mine arrived, two of the major accessory parts were damaged and there were loose parts all over the place. It was shipped in a box with almost no packing material inside (two pieces of corrugated cardboard?) and UPS tossed around to the point that it there was a hole in the side of the box when it arrived with one of the linkage arms sticking that. Luckily, the device is made to be user repairable and the design isn’t complicated. That being said, if you are prepared to do some tinkering on occasion and don’t mind having to mount it to something (VESA mountable), the SR6 is vastly superior to the Handy. After doing some comparison testing, the Handy is put away for the foreseeable future.
  2. Even with just the up/down scripts, you can configure your player software to fill in the missing directions of movement on a per axis basis. Its pretty nice and gives you some ability to customize the experience.
  3. At least one of our sellers offers printed adapters for different sleeves. My favorite is the Handy sleeve adapter which works with a wide variety of onaholes. It also has a taller back than the one on the Handy which reduces flopping and more positive hold. For Fleshlights, the original case slots right into the OSR2/SR6 receiver with no additional adapters needed.
  4. Its different and noticeable versus having the software random or pattern fill the missing axes. You’ll want to make sure you’ve dialed in your directional limits/offsets to prevent potential injury. Its pretty awesome.

Who did u order the sr from?

Can’t go wrong with these guys


Same place as most of us