Working funscripts blank in OFS

I wanted to touch up some really crappy scripts that I have and I’ve been able to do this in the past. However, I’m finding that a lot of my scripts appear to be completely blank according to OFS. Is this some sort of proprietary trick by the script makers to keep anyone from editing them? And is there a way around it?

Hello i never encountered this kind of issue.
to open it automatically the two file should be in the same folder and with the same name for example:
is ok but if you have something like
Same name.funscript

it would not work.
If the funscript have an other name or file you can add it manually
in project / ADD… / add existing


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Not to my knowledge (at least I’ve never encountered such).

Put the video and script in an empty folder.
Make sure they have exactly the same name beside the extension.
Start OFS.
Open the video from the file menu and OFS should load/import the funscript automatically when it creates a new OFS project file.

If the script is longer than the video the action might be outside the visible area.

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