I’ve really enjoyed 3dXCHAT. But, I’m wondering what else is available out there in the world? I’ve tried Redlight Center also. I’ve also seen Chathouse 3D, but that one didn’t really didn’t do much. I’m really looking for find an online multiplayer game where you can meet other real people and have some interactive fun. I was going to go back to 3DXchat, but figured I would at least post here and see if anyone had ideas? Just fyi, I’ve seen a ton of these games that look amazing, like Virtual Dolls, Grand Fuck Auto, Call of Booty, Fuck Dolls, etc. I’ve read they just want your credit card, and once you sign up, none of those games really exist. They do take you to a site that has games, but nothing even close to what is advertised. It’s also all over the internet that they are scams. Can anyone help?
Fallen Doll, VirtAMate (VAM), Illusion games comes to mind.
You can probably find more over on the subreddit for adult VR games
And the non-VR stuff over at: