Android - Script Cost Calculator

As a small learning project, I have built a small Android app that can be used to calculate the cost of a script quite easily. Simply enter the running time, enter the price per minute and press “Calculate”. The app then calculates the price. In landscape mode, the app also shows the last calculations.

To be able to install it, you must allow installation from external sources.

The project is really just a learning project, so ideas, criticism and suggestions are of course welcome :wink:

To download the apk file: Click me

And yes: Nobody needs this App, but i wanted to test AndroidStudio. :wink:

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how does one know the price per minute?
Also im a freelance ai/ml engineer/software dev. If you ever need something to make, I have a whole load of things for you. You can open source them, make sure you get the credit on github or whatever. just let me know

I am so confused :thinking:

Well, its set by the Scripter. :wink:
If the Scripter wants 3$ for 10 Minutes, the Minute Price is 0.3.
If the Scripter wants 3$ for 1 Minute of Clip time, the Minute Price is 3.0
If the Scripter wants 100$ for 10 Minutes, the Minute Price is 10
This project was just to learn about AndroidStudio. The “real” Project is a lot more difficult, but you have to start somewhere. :wink:

Why? Its a tool meant for Scritpers that want to get paid for Scripting. When i still was activ in this community, i did some work, where i got 3$ for Scripting a 10 Minute Video. So if the Video is 27:26, the buyer had to pay 7,94$. Calculating that by hand is… annoying, so i did it with an excel-sheet. As i was in need of a “start”-Project to learn the basics of App-Dev, i choose, to make that excelsheet into an App.

As i thought, someone else in this community could find it usefull, i published it. :person_shrugging: If at least one person finds that moderatly usefull, sharing it was not a waste of time. So… :person_shrugging:

A script costs what it costs. If you charge $3, the script costs $3. Your premise doesn’t make sense. That’s why I’m confused. If you are attempting to compute something different, you might consider revising your initial post as it’s very unclear why someone would ever need a calculator to compute the cost of a script. I am happy that you are learning a new language, maybe I just don’t understand the use case at all.

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And if the scripter charges based on the length of the video, he has the choice of either charging for the minute started or charging exactly. I used to charge exactly and saw other scripters do it too. I think you just don’t understand the approach. :wink: But that’s not a bad thing. You’re just not the target group. :wink:

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Not all minutes are the same though. Maybe one minute is harder to script than another minute. Maybe one minute that was easy to script turns out very good and valuable, while another minute that was hard turns out was bad.
More importantly, the whole is more valuable than the sum of its parts.
Per minute pricing doesn’t make much sense to me.

It worked/works well for me and i saw others use it too. :wink: I cant think of a good way, to calculate it depending on the Video itself. You could only analyse the Script after making it and check Speed, Number of actions in given timeframe, and so on. But doing that with android would be just useless, as you dont script in Android. :wink:

Can anyone translate? I truly don’t understand. No hate.

It’s just a calculator with predefined inputs (video/script length, scripter’s defined or wanted price per minute) and outputs (total cost).

script minutes * price per minute = script cost