📣 [Announcement] EroScripts Community Event - March 2025 - Theme Announcement

I want in!
Prefer animation featuring giant penises of the no homo variety, but live action is also ok


Yh you misinterpreted it, no problem though.

I said I thought it was mad that people chose to script animations over live action - just an opinion - you may think the opposite, that’s fine. I am not telling anyone to stop making animations. Some are good, and I’m glad good ones are scripted.

The event organisers have said pick whether you are a “Toony” or a “Reealy”
In other words give your opinion on what you like best.

Me saying - join the dream team, the real deal - yh as in, join the DREAM TEAM the real deal, I want people on my team that’s the point of the team event! and real deal because we will script real live action.

I don’t want my post to seem confrontational, because it isn’t.

So good luck to all the “Toonys” and good luck to all the “Reealys”! Lets create some greatness for the community!

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And by that, let’s close the discussion about that topic :slightly_smiling_face:
We don’t some friendly banter here and there, but let’s get back to the topic, please
Thank you!

Thank you for the sign up!

11 sing-ups so far. Looking good!
Some sign-ups are pending, like @EvelynEvil666, please let us know if you are able to join. We would love having you in the event!


Thats hilarious, really excited to see what creations your team makes!

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I think our team will choose spring as topic :rofl:

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Freshly new, learning the trade. Count me in.

Prefer live. Though don’t mind animation.

In regard to source being available to all members: Does that mean content that we use have to be accessible for other editors as well? Or do you mean end product has to be able to be accessible to all members?

I come from creating PMV’s and have created a couple videos and was just curious on above statement.


I will try the Real live action. TY

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You can sign me up! I think this would be a great opportunity to chat with the other scripters and learn. I haven’t been around long enough to participate in prior events so this is exciting!

Most of my work is in animation so that’d be my preference (I’m a part of the cartoon network “problem” lol) but lately I’ve been scripting IRL so I wouldn’t mind filling in if need be.


I know you re-read the post and got your answer, but just in case someone missed it, yes teams are welcome to collaborate in this fashion if they wish. They are also welcome to make all of their scripts entirely on their own. Either way, they will receive a single score for their team.

This just means the video that matches the script must be available for anyone on EroScripts to download. You can provide a direct download from something like mega, gofile, or pixeldrain, or it can be from something like a streaming site.

I love hearing this! :slightly_smiling_face: I hope you learn a lot from your fellow scripters, and we’re very happy to see you participating in your first event!

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Question is where we will chat so we can figure out the dreamteam masterplan. Discord sounds best?

Thank you for all the new sign ups!
We are currently sitting at 13 sing ups.

One week left for the sign up!

Discord is a good and easy way. You can create your own private server for the time. Otherwise, the DM function on EroScripts works well. You can DM more than one person and create your own private thread.

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Wish I could join but march is a terrible month for me

Can’t wait to see the themes chosen !

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Spring, just spring.

What about multi axis scripts? Technicaly you could have 3 people doing 1 video where each person does a single axis.

Now i know that most of the time those axises are easier to make, but it still does require some effort. Multi axis scripts are rare as it is compared to single axis, so promoting the creation of those to me wouldnt be a bad idea.

Now a pitch/roll/twist script etc while they are less action packed, do require precision. So i do think that counting these similar to pmvs would be fair (each 2mins counting as 1min).
And even for PMVs, if you go for all 3 axises, thats still 1.5 scripts in value.

The only problem i could see here is to rate these. Since it generaly does require you to have such device
 But on that, watching these in a simulator should generaly already reveal how well they are made. And as they are then only half rated, perfection isnt realy needed (its nice if they are though), so what a simulator can show is sufficient to still get a good impression.

You’re team is more than welcome to do things like this, and I think it’s a great way to approach multi axis scripts. However, multiaxis and everything else counts as one script per video selection. This is also the case for scripts that have multiple versions of the script such as a PMV with an action and beat based script or a scene that has both a vibe heavy and a vibeless script.

Keep in mind that this is the “Pick Your Own Theme” event, and it takes at least three or four videos to establish a theme. Anything less than that, and it can be difficult, and sometimes impossible, to see a pattern just from watching them. A loophole that allows a team to script just one video wouldn’t be very fun. It would just be a video with an endless number of themes that could be associated with it.

@Gusguez1980 I’m sorry you won’t have the opportunity to participate, but I hope you enjoy the event nonetheless!