Anti-Thrust Ring for Handy by Teasey

Hey guys, I recently purchased a Handy as I wanted to see how it compared to other devices and to see how I could make it a more enjoyable experience for myself. One thing that a lot of stroker devices lack is any sort of base that prevents the user from thrusting into the sleeve. I also, personally, enjoy a nice grip on the base of the shaft as it feels more like being controlled. So I did some digging and many years ago I had purchased a penis stretcher/ enlarger, or whatever you want to call it, and it had been lying around, but the one thing I liked about it was that it had a nice ring at the base and some metal adjustable posts that could be lengthened or shortened. So, when I got the handy I ordered a 3d print case and was able to modify the base ring to that aligns up with the handy sleeve. Here are a few examples of what I used and how it works.

Now, the way I did this was very DIY and sloppy. I lined up the stretcher to where it would cover the most of the base of the Handy case and drilled a hole through the case and through the tip of the stretcher. If I had a 3D printer or any print skills at all I would have attempted to 3D print a case with the connection points for the metal rods already. However, after putting a screw, 2 nuts and a washer in this is what it ended up looking like. After my first test run with the device like this I can say I find it a much more enjoyable experience. It feels like 2 fingers around your base while the handy strokes the head teasingly. It acts also like a cockring and prevents you from thrusting upward into the sleeve which is nice. Since it was just one bolt used I find that the ring can pivot which is good for cleanup, but without the pivot, if it was just 3D printed into the case, it would probably work just fine too. I hope this helps to inspire someone out there to make a case that works with this, but if you have questions, please ask.

Feels like a cock ring or fingers at the base of shaft.
Holds the penis in place reducing the chance of the sleeve pulling out.
Great for edging sessions as shorter sleeves may not go down full shaft.

Depending on your length, you may need to reduce stroke length by 20%.
Depending on your girth, the ring may be too small for you.
Requires a handy 3D printed casing.


Neat idea. Can I ask what that stretcher is called/where you got it?

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I am pretty sure I purchased it cheaply on ali express, and there are a few different version available now days. But at a quick glance this one looks like the same one i bought.!USD!11.08!11.08!!!11.08!11.08!%40210307c117202187372027616ee03c!12000034459871802!sea!US!0!AB&curPageLogUid=t4dnegKlb6P0&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A

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Thanks. I’ve been thinking about a base ring for my own handy lately. Gotta take notes :slight_smile:

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I find it to be kind of a game changer for me. If you can come up with something that is more integrated into the case, please let me know.

It looks like you have the same case I do, but I modified mine before printing so I don’t know if I can reliably make something that will work for your set up. Mine only has the top half but with places to fit a strap into since I don’t use a vise to mount.
I’ll probably end up changing the design and printing another one for this.

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What the…

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Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

I kinda get what it does now. It’s weird to call it an anti-thrust ring. It’s more like a stabilizing cock ring, and it kinda seems cool this way. It would alleviate some of the guess work with the angles and holding The Handy a bit as well, since you’d just slide yourself into place, and it would increase the sensitivity as well. Also, depending on your size, you can lock onto the perfect distance so that it’s working the tip perfectly during those scenes.

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Exactly. I didnt know what to call it really, but you get the point. I like that the Handy has no restrictions on the types of attachments you can use with it but I do worry sometimes when looking at the action on the screen that something may shift and come down and squash the jewels, so to speak. This takes out some of the guess work with that. I can understand with the SR6 and OS2 this sort of thing is near impossible because those strokers come down at a slight angle, but with the handy it us just one direct up and down movement, thus having a stableizer ring keeping you in line works really well, imo.

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Yeah, I kinda just wedge the handy on some towels on my stomach (instead of it being directly on my stomach since it kinda presses in hard), and hold it in place using a pants belt, one with the clicks. You wrap it around your back and in the front you tighten it over the bottom of the handy. Doesn’t really move at all that way even if I get up with it in motion.

basically instead of mounting the handy to some sort of stand, you mount it to the base of your cock. though it probably needs external stabilization. it probably makes the experience very consistent across multiple uses. one thing i didn’t like about my SR6 mounting was how the same scripts might cause problems if i didn’t have my setup just so.

very cool

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Unfortunately, no, the weight of the device would be too much to be to be mounted on a penis. I use a desk clamp to support the weight of the device. The ring does act like a stabilizer to keep you in line with the sleeve though.So consistency when using the device is a positive.

It may be possible to rig up a harness or belt of some kind to mount the device to yourself (abdomen, leg, inner thigh depending on how your manhood is). Furui_1111’s videos come to mind when I imagine this, but we’d definitely need more support than that.

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