There are many posts with dead links to scripts, mainly in paid. Maybe we should consider adding an archive folder for such posts since they serve little purpose anymore. They will still be searchable, but people browsing the script sections won’t run into so many dead links.
I have had this thought.
I was considering we implement a necro-revival process.
For dead links people could go into the necro section and revive links if they find new sources.
My paid scripts are still “available”…but I gotta find time to find an alternative to GR. They nuked ya girl. I’m waiting for Patreon to allow me to have a shop so I can have everything there. But until then….
And GR still has $115 of mine…grrrrr
Dead video links is one thing. I was thinking about scripts that can’t be bought anymore because of closed/dead accounts (like gumroad that banned most scripts) or when studios/scripters leave SLR and those scripts won’t be available for purchase anymore.
However, dead video links can probably be an issue to for some types of posts too. If the video is from a known studio then people can find other sources or subscribe (very common for VR), but shorter clips on dead megas where the OP isn’t active anymore to reup a the video might be relevant to archive too.
It is worth considering a deadlink section for both containment and possibly archive purposes.
Would need to discuss what that would look like.
What if someone decides their script is not free anymore?
You can still download the script by going back on the edit history if you have that permission, but the user is threatening people who may share it, so it’s a weird situation overall.
i said if someone is posting the script on the topic i’m gonna take legal actions . i’m not threatening people i just give out a warning .
same example as you see something in a store and it doesn’t have a RFID chip (countermeasure for stealing) would you steal that too ?
That’s a false equivalence fallacy. What you did was publish and distribute something for free without any kind of license restricting its use then or in the future, then later you tried to remove it from circulation, which may be a grey area.
I’m curious about this because the script is “still in free circulation” for people who can see the edit history, so I find it peculiar because of the elitist nature of the situation based on trust ranks.
Anyway, I don’t think this is a good place to discuss this, I asked it here because it had something to do with the archival idea of scripts in the site.
i contacted Vlad about this so now waiting for response
An idea regarding the Archive.
For paid scripts an Archive area only accessable to Mods, while the scripter has to allow / opt-in to have their scripts archived.
Ultimatly for the paid scripts the Scripter decided to limit access to the file to begin with, so sharing it after they got banned from e.g. Patreon may not be percieved well, as they may look into alternative paid hosting options in the meantime.
I doubt many people would opt-in. However I also don’t really like the idea of having paid scripts available for free, just because an account got banned.
Who have access to edit history apart moderators and the original poster?
You get it at Trust Rank 3, if I’m not mistaken.
Ah yes indeed, was not aware of this.
Apart for moderators and original posters, don’t see why others can see history…
Level 3 user Can see history others but can not reverse back to older version of his proper post, aha
my main concern with updating links is that it might spam the updated post section on anything I touch. I’m willing to update links, just don’t want to be annoying
I think you misunderstood my suggestion with an archive. The idea with an archive isn’t to keep scripts available or such. The idea was to get rid of posts where the scripts aren’t available anymore for various reasons. If the script isn’t available then the post serves no purpose in the free/paid script categories.
Oh, I also understood the idea completely wrong then =(
Ohhh that makes a lot more sense.
I am for this then