I think that people need to start to see quality scripts also as a community effort. Feedback is still something rare here, whenever you see there is something to improve let the scripter know about it.
By calling scripts sub-par, even yours you get into negative mindset, I always think that as long as the scripter is happy with the outcome the script can be considered good. With some effort and hard work you can make the script better, sure, but any script is better than no script at all. I always thought that it would be nice if some day we could have a thread where scripters could exchange their expierence for different ways of scripting the same segment of the video, just so people who want to improve their scripts can get an inspiration from others. I really like the idea of different tiers of scripts for commercial use, but I also think we could use something similar for free scripts too, maybe some form of rating-only website or some sort of conoseuir system where certain members of the community could rate scripts and give feedback on a weekly/monthly basis.
I think that AI is definitely a way to go in improving the time needed for a script to make, right now it can be used with some success, mostly for cowgirl/reverse cowgirl segments in VR, but give it some time and it can massively reduce the effort you need to put into script. Go back 10 years back and try to remember how smartphones were back there and you will see when I’m going with it.
As someone who doesn’t make scripts I try never to leave comments that could be perceived as negative, if someone has gone to the time and effort to create a script then I feel all I can do is thank them, comment on nice flourishes or keep my mouth shut. It’d feel very rude to point out areas that could be improved on and I can imagine scenarios where new scripters’ posts receive lots of criticism (constructive or not) which discourages them.
I was only calling potential solely ai generated scripts sub par, wasn’t trying to belittle anyone’s work.
I think this would be a good idea only if scripters had to opt in before their scripts were rated/given constructive criticism, again it’d be good to avoid scenarios where people upload a script then receive nothing but negative feedback
I can’t speak about others, but I know that personally I’d be quite happy if someone took the time to tell me what they think could be improved in my scripts. Constructive criticism is a good thing.
Obviously if someone just say that my scripts suck I’d be sad (well actually I’d probably just don’t care ), but if you say that x or y could be improved, that’s useful.
Honestly, from my perspective, I prefer the curated scripts. If they are partially AI scripted or not, don’t care as much, as long as someone checks the work, and corrects what is needed.
Short term, no AI can replace a good human script craftsman,
thought with advancement in AI computation and learning algorithms, that might change sometime in the future.
I think if any studio/ platform start churning out bad AI scripts behind a subscription, sooner or later, some free/ cheap software available to end-users that can do the same or better, will appear, making them obsolete…
In the final AI future, I figure only the quality/ artisan products will retain it’s value.
Considering what AI can already do with, I don’t think it is a matter of if, but when.
But we are most likely talking about several years down the line…
I’ve dealt with this AI generated script. The first thing you notice is that it’s much too shallow. So I ran it through FunExpander and extended the top and bottom points by 20. Then I went through the script manually and eliminated the worst mistakes. This process took me about one hour. The result is actually not that bad. It’s still nowhere near Realcumber’s amazing script, of course, but I think it’s head and shoulders above what “Team TheHandy” produces. I see the biggest problems with very fast movements (around minute 28). There were quite a lot of unmotivated movements and the timing is bad. And at blowjob / handjob parts were a few missing strokes. Above all, it’s difficult not to want to adapt too much and it breaks your heart to see that you could do a lot better script with more effort. But here is my edited version of this automatic generated script: