Banned from MEGA Too


This is pretty much the only notice I’ve got. They were still sending me ads of their “Pro” plan the day before.

Probably switch away from MEGA for sharing videos. Backup your stuff too.

Update 4/5 - Figured this is due to objectionable materials as defined by New Zealand law which includes loli and furry. Porn in general are fine unless copyrighted.

Nothing is lost though. Most of my scripts are on this site and I had local backup.


I guess at least there’s still pixeldrain for now but the limit is a bit too severe for larger stuff like 4K JAV VR videos :confused:

Has anyone considered going back to MediaFire? That’s what people used to use years ago.

Edit just realized who posted this :person_facepalming: That really sucks. You had a ton of great quality work.


Appreciated! Well they’re not all lost - I attach the script in my post and always leave a link to the video source, so people could still find them even if the mega link dies.


Any idea if this is lolli or copyright related?


Took my folder down just in case. I only had the one compilation video thing so it wasn’t bad for me, and still have the original files so if/when we find a decent alternative I can reupload it there. Sucks for everyone here who had a bunch of stuff, though.

Good question - it could be loli since I’ve had a few videos by the artist Liely shared on there. It’s unlikely to be copyright as I’ve not got any studio produced films or Fnsly stuff.

But again, they didn’t give me a clear reason and their policy uses vague languages such as obscene and unsuitable which can include anything.

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That sucks. What’s going to happend from now one? Will you republish all previous méga content with another content?
Do we have a rally point if eroscripts happens to due for a reason or another?

Only if people request them and I can still find the files on my drive. To be fair I kind of view these links as temporary from the start. The source link will always be there (unless the artist went DFE, in which case there’s still a way to locate archives of their legacy with relevant information).

This is an end-of-an-era scenario that I’m not prepared to act on.

Pretty sure pixeldrain has a working bypass of the limiter, no need to use proxy or vpns either

Thanks for your answer.
My inner squirrel is on alert since things I haven’t stored yet are disapearing.

Btw, could you tell me what % of commission you gain from the handy links? To see how much I could benefit you.

I think it’s also fair to assume that a lot of users who has downloaded your works + the associated videos could upload it to pixeldrain or any other file hosting service when requested. It’s a group effort at this point and I don’t mind giving a hand whenever it happens.

Still pretty sad it got to this point, though.

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The source link will always be there (unless the artist went DFE, in which case there’s still a way to locate archives of their legacy with relevant information).

Lately I’ve been finding that it’s good to keep backups of content on external drives. Several old videos I’ve seen are now exceedingly hard to find.

For example, the guy who made club dance dragon apparently lost the original files for the first cdd, so there’s no remaster for it.

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That’s why about 10 years ago, with anime, I decided to collect and store all the Time. Cuz internet goes dark Real Quick and nowadays just look AT censorship on some soft animes.

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I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

The other user that got TOS’d shared loli content as well.

I’m betting someone here has an axe to grind because EroScripts won’t ban linking loli content, but they aren’t going after EroScripts cause they get their other porn here.

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Can almost guarantee it, they frequently post in loli topics here and make their displeasure known to everyone. They make it very clear they don’t think that content should be allowed.


Figured this is due to objectionable materials defined by New Zealand law which includes loli and furry.

Porn in general are fine, although if copyrighted can get DMCA’d by the owner.

This is unnecessary. Chill.

it pisses me off to see ppl are purposely reporting shit and basically lying about what the content is by reporting it.


Coucou copain. It’s the same shit here too :smiley:

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