Bumping Threads without any real changes to be at the startpage

This has been a real issue last year with a certain user.
Now i see it again, there are threads being bumped 8 or more times without any reasonable change at all. And of course its not the free scripts its almost always the paid ones.

I know that visibilty can lead to more script purchases, but personally when i see somebody changing a thread 8 times to promote his stuff i am just turned off and block/ignore the user.

Sadly the thread of the ignored/blocked user still shows up on the startpage. Can we implement rules to changes in singular script threads? I get that for collections it is neccessary and that is good, but for singular scripts its meh.

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This isn’t limited to one user. There’s a lot of updating going on across the forums right now because Gumroad banned so many of the community’s scripters. Almost every paid post needs a new purchase link. Just be patient and it’ll slow down as these links get updated.

its not about people updating it once, its about people updating one thread 8 times

If you believe someone is bumping their script topic to gain more views on it then you can flag it and let the staff investigate and decide if they agree since they can erase the bumping of the topic.

I do think an way to prevent this bumping from occurring via small changes instead of script updates is via making it so that only attachment/link changes bump the topic.

Another way could be having another way of viewing the Scripts category by having it only show topics in order of their creation date rather than last bump/update. As then if your only wanting to see stuff from the last 3 months if you haven’t logged in for that long you can do so and not get stuff from further back than then included while also getting preview/thumbnail since the search system doesn’t show those nor in order I believe.

If it’s clearly deliberate bumping (editing own post multiple times without significant changes) please flag it.

edit: Just found one user doing so. Sank their topic for now.

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