Button Mash's MILF Quest

I will make the rest of the description later.
This is again a script intended for Flash Toy Sync - a Flash and funscript player which you can find here on EroScripts.
This game is an old flash game by Tiarawhy.

:framed_picture: Preview

:information_source: Details

Original game can be downoladed on tiarwhy.com here

:memo: Notes

Since this game is quite “broken” in terms of Flash, many scenes (especialy those that aren’t played in the loop) don’t work exactly how you wold expect. But I don’t currently know how to fix them. At least I’m uploading them as they are.

Tested with Handy.

:movie_camera: Video link


:file_folder: Script


what the fuck is this and why does it have banging BGM


Because it seems like although it was credited to an songmaker they just used Under the waves by Pendulum according the comments on their account

and here I thought I had found all of Pendulum’s good songs…but also explains why I felt I knew who made the song.

(Totally didn’t spend the last few minutes looking at their works trying to find this out and being confused till I spotted said comments)

I didn’t even read the comments, I was too distracted by the option to toggle off/on “crotch breasts”

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All Pendulum songs that were used in Tiarawhy animations are flooded with comments that people found out Pendulum from these games.
I am one of those.

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Didn’t realize that was Pendulum ngl. The rest of us discovered Pendulum from the old 404 page on (tumblr?)

Need For Speed Undercover PS2 Game for me I’m afraid.

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Holy crap, I haven’t seen this one in ages. What a weird memory to regain lol

@Birdybird Hi, just a question. Is this considered a game or not? If so, I would like to put this “game” in https://discuss.eroscripts.com/c/software/game-mod (and change the tags) where it belongs, so any user can look it up if they want to play a game ;D

its a game but its a recording of the game because flash is dead so it would not belong in thew game catagory its not a mod that is connected to the game at all i wish it was but its not

also having problems replying and this sight is busted and wont let me post the above mesage unless i ad this so ignore this part

ok, understandable. But Flash is not completely dead. If you look in the game mods category, you will see some Flash integrations. And they use the .json files (and some more files) to signal to theHandy, like a funscript.

yaa but this is one long script not a bunch of short ones i mean if you want to rip it aparet and figure it out go ahead lol im 100% behind you but as far as i know this is a video script and i dont think the programs can take a video script and use it on a game unless you do exactly what the video did

I made both the script for Flash Toys Sync and the video. But it looks like I forgot to upload it here. I added the game tag as you suggested.

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OK, so it is a game. Ok, I get it. But then it should go to software/game-mod like the other game integrations, even if it is just a flash game. I will change it quickly.

But The script is not for a game It’s for a video a recording of the game there is no software in this at all so you put it in the wrong category

A recording of a game does not make it a software just because it’s a game doesn’t mean It needs to be in the game category

It is a recording of a game The script does not connect to a program to control what happens when you do actions in the game because it is for a recording

hmm, my argument would be this: because it is not a typical funscript file and you need to use the Flash Toys Sync programm it would count under the Programs category. Of course I will change category again if you insist. Now that you know my viewpoint, you can decide if it is valid.

  • YES, no change, can stay here
  • NO, change the category
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