Can you run scripts for OSR2 while Quest 2 runs video instead of PC?

Hi! I’m newer here.

Hope to be doing a little scripting for you all in the future, but I could use some advice.

I recently got an OSR2+ and I want to run it with VR videos. However, my Quest 2 is significantly better at running 6K+ videos via local files than my PC is. (Even when video is run directly on the PC it is unstable. It’s not just a cable transfer speed issue)

Is there a way I can link my headset to my PC so I can use OSR2 with it, but delegate the video playback to be run through the Quest 2 hardware? Essentially, only using the connection to PC to control the OSR2?

If not, I’m assuming I’ll have to look at codecs and better USBC cables. Any recommendations on these?


Yes. One way you can do it is through the quest native version of heresphere linked to MFP on your pc.

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That’s so simple I assumed it didn’t work that way. Haha

Currently I have the Quest 3 with Keon and it connects no hassles via DeoVR to the SLR site.
Keon connects directly via bluetooth, so no cables or any issues. Non SLR videos are loaded locally to my Quest headset and played via DeoVR. No cables, PC, third party apps on phone or any hassles.

I want to get a OSR2, but want to know if I could the same (e.g. replace my Keon with the OSR2) and still directly connect to Deovr in my headset via bluetooth?

Not all, but most of that can be had.

I’m obviously no expert, but as far as I know, you won’t be able to avoid 3rd party software entirely, and I don’t think SLR scripts can be directly loaded from their site. (I think you’ll need the .funscript file always) but the rest can be achieved if you have even a cheap computer.

Basically, you run a short cable from OSR2+ to a computer, which wirelessly connects to headset through a reasonably trusted 3rd party software (Like MultiFunPlayer), and you’re good.

There’s more steps to learning the setup, but once you understand it, it’s almost as simple and fast as what you use, but much better and more customizable.

If you’re running video from Quest locally, even a simple laptop will do. It’s just running the connection software, controlling settings, and housing the scripts.

I’m sorta new to this, so take with a grain of salt, but first script device was a Keon and I say getting an OSR2+ is well worth the trouble if you’re able to deal with a small learning curve and the cost.

Keon 5/10
OSR2+ 8.5/10