Can't figure out how to use Sciptplayer with Heresphere

I’m trying to connect my quest 2 to my pc using Heresphere through Scriptplayer. I’ve gotten everything set up. The port is the same, the IP address is the same. ScriptPlayer says that it is connected to Heresphere. But when I try to play a video, nothing happens. It says that the video was loaded, but nothing happens in either ScriptPlayer or Heresphere. I feel like I’m so close to figuring it out but I’m stuck on something and it’s really making me mad. Please help.

you shouldnt need to connect script player. Just share a SMB folder and make sure funscripts are in the same folder as the video

my setup that’s worked almost flawlessly for about a year now since i got my Q2, is this:

Quest 2, with Virtual Desktop (Quest version)

PC, with the Virtual Desktop Streamer app (not the Steam version of VD)

Steam on PC, with Heresphere in the games library

-use Quest 2 to start Virtual Desktop
-use PC and start Virtual Desktop Streamer app
-connect to PC from the Quest 2 (setting it up was very easy, once you set it up it will usually auto-connect when you start VD up again)
-once connected, use mouse or Quest controllers to navigate to steam
(quick non-script related hint, you can do the same above steps and load SteamVR or other PCVR games from here to play on Q2)
-Start Heresphere from Steam, navigate to the video/script folder (named the exact same, obv)
-theres a button on the left side of the controls that brings up options for haptic devices, connect with the same settings and it should work fine

noted, my setup wasnt optimized for VR play when i first got it so it just worked ok, but after upgrading my graphics card, added RAM, and upgraded my router (all upgrades for non-vr reasons) it now works almost flawlessly.

let me know if you get stuck,
happy fappy!
Y_D :dragon: