Castle of Temptation (by Poring) game device integration mod (ver. 20230623_1914)

From the funscripts file it looks like only 2 enemies have been scripted and a couple of other animations based around the “Big dick” mode area in the lab although I am working on scripting more once I have a way of testing them properly.
The enemies that have been scripted are the Robot nurse and the Succubus Queen ghost.
I think more can be scripted using the methods mentioned above but it seems like the timing either doesn’t work at all for the scripts that I have made or multifunplayer is just bugged.


Really looking forward to when this game is fully scripted!

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I’m a C# developer. I’m currently looking at EDI and the source code of this plugin. I think I can get it working if I should spend a couple of hours with it. Do you still need help or are you already done with EDI integration?

I also want this to work with the Handy if possible. But I’ve also purchased the game and I am currently running the latest version. Is there any reason why we don’t want to use the newest version V0.4.3a? Some issues with Unity? (I’m a C# system developer, not game developer, that’s new for me…)


EDI looks like it will be the best option for use with the handy due to the current issues with Multifunplayer. Also generally using wifi is better for more detailed scripts so EDI seems like a good choice for that reason too. I have tried integrating EDI with it but I have no idea what I am doing (I am not a coder).

It would be awesome to see if you can get EDI working with it.

There is no reason not to use the newest version if you want to integrate with EDI.

Thanks for working on an EDI version; so version 0.4.x is actually only the new level while 0.3.x includes all previous levels. Also 0.4.x runs 64 bit Unity so 64-bit BepInEx is required (easy drop in replacement though)

any update on this project ?

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@99DM Would you be willing to take a look at this one for scripting? Your game scripts seem to be the best I’ve run into in terms of quality and getting them to work with integration.

I’m working on Milk Farm CG scripting, so unfortunately, it’s hard now


Oh yea, that’s higher priority ;D

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@f86k is there any way I could contact you about a commission regarding this project?

I’m open to work on a few scripts considering this project (for free). If you guys need help.


lets go… :smiley:

You guys can DM me for the scripting if needed, but be quick, I only have a few days of free time.

@f86k this is your project I think.

bonjours, du nouveau concernant l’integration du handy ?

a priori le développement du mod semble calé en ce moment, cependant je te conseille de tout écrire en anglais car y’a pas beaucoup de francais qui seront la pour répondre

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Yep, offered my help but, alas, the dude handling the project doesn’t seem to have the time for now. That’s sad, cause this game is dope.

I started working on the game. I have almost finished the first level. (Was meant to start a few months ago but my pc broke down).

my pc broke down

install linux

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level 1: obsidian hall done
NOTE!!! - I haven’t done the proper testing so if you find something that I missed or something that is abnormally desynced, tell me so I can go and change it.

mega link: 75.8 KB folder on MEGA
pls import first and use ur own download data


Has anyone figured out how to stop the stuttering in Multifunplayer for the handy yet? I still cannot seem to get it to run smoothly.

I assume you are using a different device @letros ?