Castle of Temptation (by Poring) game device integration mod (ver. 20230623_1914)

I get this error when trying to select the plugin in MFP

anyone getting trhis error ?

The Handy/0 failed with exception:

System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request).
   at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
   at MultiFunPlayer.OutputTarget.ViewModels.TheHandyOutputTargetViewModel.ApiPutAsync(HttpClient client, String path, String content, CancellationToken token)
   at MultiFunPlayer.OutputTarget.ViewModels.TheHandyOutputTargetViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass26_1.<<RunAsync>b__1>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at MultiFunPlayer.OutputTarget.AsyncAbstractOutputTarget.FixedUpdateAsync(Func`1 condition, Func`2 body, CancellationToken token)
   at MultiFunPlayer.OutputTarget.ViewModels.TheHandyOutputTargetViewModel.RunAsync(CancellationToken token)

solution : use buttplugio instead of thehandy api

I scripted using a lovense diamo cuz I was too lazy to hold up a handy. A quick fix is to reduce the refresh rate of multi fun player down to 4-7 hertz. This will give you a smooth handy stroke.

I can only speculate but I’m guessing that handy script players send position and speed of the funscript per action. Multifun player probably sends position per hertz refresh resulting in a slightly jittery stroke.

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Sorry I can’t help you my friend. I can only give generic suggestions like:

Try use an updated MFP. (remember to delete the old one.)
Try downloading castle of temptation version 3.0

Once again, I’m sorry I can’t help you much with this.

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Well, gotta script to hertz rate now cuz multifun player be jank.

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Thanks for the reply!

No worries, was thinking it might be the plugin.
I am using the newest version of MFP maybe an older version would work with it then? Gotta admit I have no idea how to use MFP but i did find the plugin button.

Thanks for your work none the less!

Thanks so much for working hard on the game, you’re the goat, looking forward to the next scripts in line.

Thanks for the update,scripts are working fine

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yes please!

Too late sorry. Said I could do it if asked quickly, but was more than a month ago, I don’t have enough time anymore.

tis fine fam.

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I tried to install the mod with the latest scripts, but there’s an issue with the multifunplayer part: after installing the plugin there, it doesn’t compile with an error:

error CS1069: the type name `TcpListener` could not be found in the namespace `System.Net.Sockets` ...

There are a bunch of similar errors.

Do I miss some .Net SDK or anything? I’ve tried both self-contained and normal MultiFunPlayer releases from the github.

Download older player and it will work.

  • MultiFunPlayer-1.26.1
  • .NET 7.0 Desktop Runtime (v7.0.14)
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I can confirm that the plugin works with those two versions, however using the handy it doesn’t really work, handy moves a little bit and then just not at all, tried with handy api and buttplug, different hz aswell

can confirm through the bepinex console that the funscripts are infact loading and commands work aswell

Can we get a mega reupload pls

here ya go
as for update, almost finished with level 2



Heres Level 1+2. I havent tested the scripts yet.
happy fappin

Link: 75.5 KB folder on MEGA


i will let you guys know if i start doing level 3. I have other things I want to work on right now so temporary hiatus from COT scripting


Any way to get this mod updated for latest MFP? Handy interaction still jittery with older versions.

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you should only use not latest than 1.26.1 MFP to play this game mod