ClipMash - Generate video compilations automatically (v0.21.0)

grats grats! Lmk if there is anything I can do on my end.

Just to make sure, youā€™re using version 0.17, right?

Yup the latest version!

Ima redownload and install once more

I uninstalled from my computer and reinstalled and got this when trying to create the compilation. Now the site is not loading the video and is stuck at starting.

New release: ClipMash 0.17.1


  • Fixed funscript generation with Stash videos.

In addition to the groups feature, Iā€™ve been (slowly, because I was sick last week) working on an overhaul of the marker creation UI, plus some keyboard shortcuts. I originally wanted to go with shortcuts starting with Ctrl+, but too many of those are already taken by the browser, so I went with something different. Feedback is welcome, as always

Oh, and also a new feature, I called the mark points in the UI, not sure if thereā€™s a better term for that, but basically you can press I to add one at the current position, and when you press the ā€œFrom pointsā€ button, it creates markers from all the intervals between the mark points. (so letā€™s say, your video is 01:30 long, you set points at 00:15 and 00:45, then it will create markers from 00:00-00:15, 00:15-00:45 and 00:45-01:30)

@jamesdeaks The newest pre-release version now has the ability to set the clip order, allowing you to group together markers with the same name in different sections. Please give it a try and let me know if it works for you. Iā€™ve had pretty good success with using it for the purposes you described originally.

To use it, once youā€™re on the clip preview/settings page, set the clip order to fixed and click on the button that pops up. This only really works if you give your markers meaningful titles.

That version also has a bunch of other features/fixes, see the ā€œUnreleasedā€ section of the changelog.

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Fantastic thank you for supporting this feature. I should have some time next week to put it to the test!

New release: ClipMash 0.18.0


  • Allow sorting clips by putting markers into groups.
  • Save and load project data from disk
  • Major rework of the marker creation UI
  • Add keyboard shortcuts to marker creation page
  • Add file browser UI to select paths to add to library
  • Allow adding tags to existing videos

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First of, really appreciate this app

quick question, anyone having problems uploading music? I chose the file and then I press the green upload button and it just turns grey and nothing else happens.

best regards!

Just tried it myself and that seems to be a bug. Should be fixed soon though.

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great! thanks for the quick response!

ClipMash 0.19.0

  • feat: Description generator: Generate text descriptions (Markdown, JSON or YAML) for finished compilations
  • feat: Play video when hovering over the preview image (video library, video select page, marker list page)
  • fix: Make sure logs are written to the files, even if the application crashes during startup.
  • fix: Music upload from disk didnā€™t work (@Emmi, this fixes the bug you reported)
  • feat: Start adding some animations with react-spring
  • feat: Hide details in the video grid per default and add a toggle to show them
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Iā€™m having trouble making combined funscripts work, they seem to get out of sync with the created video often, anyone here have any luck with it?

I can look into it. Did all the videos you included have funscripts attached, or only some of them? That might help pin down the issue.

So, I played around with that feature a bit more, and I think I see some problems (it seems like the video and the script(s) are in sync at the start, but as it goes on for longer, it goes out of sync), but Iā€™m not sure if they are the same problems youā€™re seeing. Would you mind uploading your video + funscript somewhere so I can take a look?

Yes thats exactly howd I describe it, its as if some of the funscripts arent cut properly to the clips actually length on some of them, too short or too long.

Also I have a faster paced song on, and it makes some of the clips pretty short like 0 seconds no matter the Beats per Measure I set. Is there anyway to make clips a minimum duration?

Heres my the vid+funscript, I put vid+funscript of the first clip in the vid as well and two snips showing the 0 sec clip thingy.

They all have funscripts, atleast minimum at the spots on the video that Iā€™m making into a clip. Also whenever the compilation vid starts getting out of sync I check the actual videos funscript associated with that clip and they seem fine

OK, thatā€™s good. I think I found the issue earlier and made a release. Can you try again when you get the chance? This wonā€™t fix the beat-based issue, I donā€™t think, Iā€™ll need to look into that separately.

ClipMash 0.20.0

  • Added Sentry integration to frontend and backend to track errors.
  • Check for updates on startup, show a notification if thereā€™s a new version.
  • Combined funscripts ran out of sync with the generated compilation after a while