ClipMash - Generate video compilations automatically (v0.21.0)

is anyone else having an issue where using a song from youtube doesn’t load into the final video?

So it seems much better this time round, instead of being out of sync after like 2-3 clips, it seems to be after 20 clips, so I just manually move the entire funscript 2 steps or so from the out of sync point, which I only had to do 3 times in the 3 min vid

Also seems to cut the funscript appropriately, before the funscript for a clip would sometimes overlap into another clip because its too long, maybe causing the desync.

I tried quickly with a jayz song and seems to work, just gotta make sure the song is checked off on the box in the music options section, i gotta scroll right to see it

Can you link the song that you had this issue with? Gonna try fixing that next.

Yeah here you go, its a snip from the full video I Want Your Cum - A No-Nut-November PMV | NoodleDude PMVs, it might just be the song itself isnt normal. I uploaded it on my mega :

is this possible?

No, not at the moment. I don’t really know that application at all. Can you explain a bit further what exactly you would want? Would you want an integration similar to Stash, i.e. to be able to import videos and markers/timestamps into ClipMash? Do you know if it has an API?

Yep, import the videos. with the markers/timestamps so that you can make a compilation with only those markers. no idea if it has an api. the time markers comes from the same place stash gets them from.

not sure if this helps;

New pre-release with a few new features:

  • Make a dedicated page for settings
  • Let users clean up temporary files made during compilations and clip creation
  • Include a slider to adjust the total duration of compilations
  • Add a slider to control the range of clip lengths
  • Include a field where users can set the minimum clip length
  • Give an option on the video settings page to decide how to fill empty space when the aspect ratio doesn’t match (plain black or a blurred version of the original video)
  • Use webp format instead of png for preview images of videos and markers to save disk space
  • Set the stash API key as optional (only needed when stash has a username/password set)
  • Automatically start the application on the first available port to avoid port conflicts during startup.

Really nice App!
I’m trying the last release v0.21.0-pre.4

I have these problems:

  • clips order > scenes order > it is using the creation time of the clips and not their time on the scene; it would be nice to organize the order on the markers creation page

  • sometimes some clips are not divided when chosing the option (and these clips are longer than the chosen clip time)

  • groups > it would be nice to save groups and also changing their order (now I delete and restart if I want to change the order)

And this is a suggestion:

  • analyze the clips chosen for the compilation and suggest the most used codec and resolution; in this way if many files use already the same setting you can speed up thinghs re-encoding only the different ones

thanks and keep up the good work!

I’ve played a little bit more with the app, I use local folder files and no music.

I’ve found that even if the videos have the same resolution and codecs, concatenation without re-encoding doesn’t work always well and there are glitch between the clips. I think it’s when videos have variable bitrate. I have overcome this problem by editing the videos in davinci and the saving the files with a preset with constant bitrate. In davinci you can also put markers in videos and save them as chapters.

davinci-chapters-from markers

It would be nice that your application could read this chapters and translate them to markers. Now I do this by hand in the markers section.

Hi! Thanks for the feedback.

I haven’t looked into it yet, but just to make sure we’re on the same page: the scene order sort order arranges the clips from the markers in the order of the occurrence inside the scene. And what do you mean by organizing the order on the marker creation page? Do you mean being able to set a specific order for markers so that they don’t occur in scene-order, but rather in whatever order you specify during marker creation?

Hmm, that’s hard to reproduce. Can you give some more info? (e.g., what clip generation settings were you using, how long was the minimum/maximum clip duration, how long were the markers etc.)

That’s a good idea, yes.

That’s good to know, thanks. I’ll try reproducing that. I guess variable/constant bitrate mismatches would also require a full re-encode then, but I’ll do some more research.

I use clipmash to create the markers and I’ve observed that the markers orders is not defined by the time on the scene but by the order of creation of the markers. So for example if in a scene I first create the markers of the cumshot part and then add other interesting parts; then on the video creation page the first part of that video is the cumshot.

I’ve not saved that example, sorry.

Hah, nice catch, you are correct, that’s currently buggy. I’ll fix that shortly.

Does this compiler have advantages over IMovie in Mac OS?

I haven’t really used iMovie but this is not a full video editing app like iMovie is. It also depends on what you’re looking for, so this is hard to answer for me.

This bug should now be fixed with this new pre-release version:

Would it be possible to have an option that just exports clips to a folder in same format and resolution? Would also be nice if those clips were named: [VideoName]-[TimeCode]-[Tag]

That’s kind of already happening. On Windows, you’ll find the generated clips in the directory C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\soundchaser128\stash-compilation-maker\cache\videos\clips. The path to this directory also gets logged at the startup of the application, to the console (temporary video directory: ...). It’s using the generated ID to identify the video, not the title, but you could probably gleam that from the thumbnail, and the tag is missing, but it includes the timecode.

Also, haven’t done a lot of work on this app recently. I always find it harder to find motivation to work on something that I’m not using myself and I haven’t really used the app myself recently. I’m sure my motivation will come back eventually, but it might still be a bit.

ClipMash 0.21.0

I wasn’t super motivated for the last few months, but now I’m back! Finished up this new release with a couple of new features.

  • Added separate settings page
  • Allow cleaning up temporary files (clips and generated compilations)
  • Added a slider for controlling the variation in clip lengths
  • Added a slider for total compilation duration (if no music was selected)
  • Allow controlling the minimum clip length
  • Marker and video preview images are now WebP instead of PNG, saving a lot of disk space (there’s also a button on the settings page that converts all existing images to WebP)
  • Store configuration inside the application database, not in a separate JSON file (was a remnant from the early stages of the app, where it didn’t have the database yet)
  • Better error during the compilation generation

Get the new release here:

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