Creambee Flash Game - Halloween Girl / Splatoon



:information_source: Details

Using the nice flash tool created by notSafeforDev (can be found here). this maps a funscript to each games’ animations.

Contains the following:
Creambee - Halloween Girl V2.4
Creambee - Splatoon V2.0

Made for theHandy

:memo: Install Instructions

Install Instructions:

  1. Download the Flash Toy Sync tool .zip from notSafeforDev’s repo.
  2. Download the game and json from the mega folder below.
  3. Place matching json and game files in the matching animations-as2 folder. It should look like this as an example:

    Ensure that the game.swf and game.json files are not in a subfolder/subdirectory
  4. Run Flash-toy-sync-as2 and select the game.swf in question
  5. Ensure that your Handy is in Wifi mode and that the connection key is entered into the program (or init-face). I advise using init-face as it supports faster animations better.

Ensure that you run the matching as2/as3 for the specified folders…

:file_folder: Script

Folder contains the games and their associated jsons.

:clock12: Other

The anal/vagina cum animations are a bit incomplete for both games since the games don’t want to cooperate, but otherwise they should be good. The halloween girl one has this odd issue where if you stack animations, it can sometimes blank out, just make sure the one you picked last is on a sex animation.

I might adjust some of the ranges, especially for the halloween one as it feels a little stale.


It’s great you’re still making scripts for flash games. :smiley:

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Update Mega?

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Updated with Pixeldrain link