DeepMosaics uncensor software

(NOT MY SOFTWARE ALL CREDIT GOES TO HypoX64 (Hypo) · GitHub)Not really software for scripts specifically but software for videos. This program basically tries to uncensor videos which a lot of jav and hentai videos have. What was neat about this is that you can apparently teach the program to do a better job. Im no coder so I cant use this feature :frowning: . I’d figure I’d share this here if anyone wants to maybe use this to uncensor vids on here or even share their training programs they created. This is the original post copy and pasted here: this the the original link for it GitHub - HypoX64/DeepMosaics: Automatically remove the mosaics in images and videos, or add mosaics to them.

English | 中文
You can use it to automatically remove the mosaics in images and videos, or add mosaics to them.
This project is based on “semantic segmentation” and “Image-to-Image Translation”.
Try it at this website!



origin auto add mosaic auto clean mosaic
image image image
image image image
mosaic image DeepCreamPy ours
image image image
image image image
  • Style Transfer
origin to Van Gogh to winter
image image image

An interesting example:Ricardo Milos to cat

Run DeepMosaics

You can either run DeepMosaics via a pre-built binary package, or from source.

Try it on web

You can simply try to remove the mosaic on the face at this website.

Pre-built binary package

For Windows, we bulid a GUI version for easy testing.
Download this version, and a pre-trained model via [Google Drive] [百度云,提取码1x0a]


  • Requires Windows_x86_64, Windows10 is better.

  • Different pre-trained models are suitable for different effects.[Introduction to pre-trained models]

  • Run time depends on computers performance (GPU version has better performance but requires CUDA to be installed).

  • If output video cannot be played, you can try with potplayer.

  • GUI version updates slower than source.

Run From Source



This code depends on opencv-python, torchvision available via pip install.

Clone this repo

git clone GitHub - HypoX64/DeepMosaics: Automatically remove the mosaics in images and videos, or add mosaics to them. cd DeepMosaics

Get Pre-Trained Models

You can download pre_trained models and put them into ‘./pretrained_models’.
[Google Drive] [百度云,提取码1x0a]
[Introduction to pre-trained models]

In order to add/remove mosaic, there must be a model file mosaic_position.pth at ./pretrained_models/mosaic/mosaic_position.pth

Install dependencies

(Optional) Create a virtual environment

virtualenv mosaic source mosaic/bin/activate

Then install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you can not build scikit-image, running export CFLAGS='-Wno-implicit-function-declaration then try to rebuild.

Simple Example

  • Add Mosaic (output media will be saved in ‘./result’)

python --media_path ./imgs/ruoruo.jpg --model_path ./pretrained_models/mosaic/add_face.pth --gpu_id 0

  • Clean Mosaic (output media will save in ‘./result’)

python --media_path ./result/ruoruo_add.jpg --model_path ./pretrained_models/mosaic/clean_face_HD.pth --gpu_id 0

If you see the error Please check mosaic_position_model_path!, check if there is a model file named mosaic_position.pth at ./pretrained_models/mosaic/mosaic_position.pth

More Parameters

If you want to test other images or videos, please refer to this file.

Training With Your Own Dataset

If you want to train with your own dataset, please refer to


This code borrows heavily from [pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix] [Pytorch-UNet] [pix2pixHD] [BiSeNet] [DFDNet] [GFRNet_pytorch_new].


Very interesting, thanks for posting.

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I’ve been doing this for years with JavPlayer, It works pretty well on older JAV videos or videos that are less heavily censored.


I wonder how many years out we are from having this job done “perfectly” for pics and videos. Just needs more training…

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It has become better since Javplayer started to support super resolution (I was using a older version previously). Tested this with the same movie from my last post and it’s looking way better.

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Dammmn I wonder what a 4k video will look like with this method.

While the result is dependant a lot on resolution it’s also largely dependant on the kind of mosaic that is used. Newer movies tend to have more destructive mosaics making it harder to restore the image. Although the recent addition of super resolution remedies this a bit it’s still blurry.

That’s why older movies from (I think) before 2016 are more suitable to be decensored because they tend to have a thinner mosaic.

nice i didnt know this was a thing i could undo all of my vr javs and it will look even better

NIIIIOOOOOOCCCCEEEEE!!! This creator is my new idol.

The latest Javplayer release supports VR videos now. I’m still testing it out (it was released today) and have been getting reasonable results with extreme closeups like this. When the camera is further away it’s not worth it imo. If anyone can point me to a VR video with a really thin mosaic it would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi, Im interested how its going with VR videos now?
Do you found a good method to decensor those?

Would be happy if you could share some settings :slight_smile:


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It really depends on the video, but I did notice at least some studios are easing up on the censoring. Generally it only works when the camera is really close, but not too close or it will fail to pick up the genitals.

As far as settings go, I’m just using JavPlayer 2.02c. I’ve set it to TG-STD and for batch super resolution I use SR-TG8xhd. That’s it basically. I uploaded some result below.

Good result




Thank you for the quick reply!

I will later try to use this on JavPlayer.

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It’s much better then it being mosaic so yea we did it boios

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U keep talking about javplayer…what does javplayer have to do with removing mosiac from jav porn? I too am curious aboit how to remove mosiac from jav VR videos…i have us3d deep mosiac on a video before and it worked pretty good even though it took like almost 24 hours to uncensor a 20 min video but im stull curious if anyone has figured out or got a VR jav video uncensored?

chan can you link download for JAVPlayer?