[Dieselmine] Milking Farm / Succubus Farm - EDI (v1.5)

Thanks for the suggestion, think I’m gonna implement this in the next update. :slight_smile:

I conducted an analysis and it seems that these galleries do not contain commands when they are retrieved using the definition file. If they are non-moving, you should place some dots at position 0 for proper processing.
ev01d, ev15f, ev21h, hiding.

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@ZeroScripts thrilled to know that you implemented the heart beat script when hiding. I was trying it out and found out that EDI crashes when hiding idk if it is just me though.


replace this Files in the gallery folder

Definitions.csv (13.3 KB)

MilkingFarm_CG.funscript (636.4 KB)
Extra.funscript (16.1 KB)


Thanks for the feedback. A Patched version that includes these changes is up now.

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I can’t seem to get this working. I downloaded the fully patched game from F95, copied the mod files and it prompted me to overwrite 5 files. The game by itself runs fine. I launch EDI.exe within the game, enter my Handy key, and it connects. I wait for the Ready column to have a checkmark, then start the game. But nothing plays. No status in the EDI player at all. No filler or anything. Did I miss a step?

I only tested with the official versions of the game, so I don’t know what the patch you got does exactly. It might have a different structure or most likely use additional plugins.
Instead of overwriting the “www\js\plugin.js” file, you could try manually adding a comma and this line at the end:

{"name":"EDIPlayer","status":true,"description":"Interactive Device Integration","parameters":{}}

So, the plugin.js file in your mod vs my game are identical. No extra plugins. That said, I was actually able to get it to finally work, I just had to keep waiting even after EDI said it was ready. But, the EDI player crashes when going back to the H ending at the beginning where it tries to play the script for that CG. Also, nothing happens when I am in a hiding place even though it says it is trying to play some filler in the status.
Tested on bluetooth as well and it still crashes.
I am also not sure I understand the filler logic, as I notice it switches between some filler scripts without consistency. Like, for instance it was playing filler script 8, then a succubus spots me and chases and it switches to 6, then I leave the room and go to a save shrine and recover, but it’s still on 6? Thought maybe 6 was for being chased but it won’t stop, even after I close the game.

Do you only have issues with those scripts, and are you using the latest mod version 1.4.1?
If you send me the EDI-Debug file I could have a closer look.
As for the fillers, one of the filler scripts is played at random after certain events or when an animation is finished. You can easily turn them off or play a different filler script by pressing the TAB key.
Most scripts won’t terminate after just closing the game, since no stop command is sent. This is the case with EDI in general, so you would need to close the program as well.

So far EDI crashes on the milking H CG scene at the beginning you can go back to. I haven’t played through much more than the initial area this time around.
I am using the latest mod version yes.
EDI-Debug.txt (40.6 KB)

Think I know what the issue is. The newest CG script still had some empty gaps in it, which are not processed well by the EDI player. Thanks for letting me know.

Has been fixed now; you can give it a try in version 1.4.2

Thanks! I’ll test it, and let you know if I come across any more issues

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Help me. In the Japanese version, only the pixel art script does not play.

There was a naming issue with the Japanese characters. Please try re-applying the latest Japanese mod version.

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Can this mod support rotation devices like Vorze A10 cyclone or UFO TW?Thank you!

Thank you! It worked without any problems!

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I know these scripts and Edi were intended for the Handy, but they can work with the Lovense Bluetooth Adapter, right? Because I’ve been having errors on intiface, and EDI crashing on me. I’m wondering if It’s my Adapter, EDI, or something with the scripts.

This looks really hot!! Thank you!!

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Should work. Have you tried with the latest EDI version?

hey, does anyone know why edi doesnt work with the wifi option? it works with the handy with intiface, but when on wifi, it says ready, but nothing happens.