Discussing Possible New Rules for the #Free-Scripts Category

Why not just hide animation and hentai tags if you are not interested by these video? You can do it in your preference > tracking > mute


Thanks for the tip !
I don’t know the numbers but I feel like those contents attracks really two different crowd, so it transcend filters to me…

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Okay, I’d like to know what the opinion (and decision) is about posts like this one: https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/free-demo-sk3l3t0k-unl0ck-it-4k120-non-nude-pmv-first-rotation-script/232117

This isn’t the first time that this scripter does something like this. Personally I see no reason for that topic existing in the free section, while there’s another one in the paid section which could easily be used to also host the demo funscript for those potentially interested in the script. The only way I view this is an advertising attempt in the free section for an actual paid script, while creatively dodging the rules. I don’t think free section is a place for anything like this.


Agreed, since the Demo is already on the paid topic, this free topic is not necessary to me too. But I’m not moderator


Falafel mentioned this sort of scenario early in this topic.
The new Free Scripts Section rule still doesn’t seem to address it though.

Admin/mods told me to make two posts after that discussion, one in paid one in free, the next time I wanted to post the first half for free. I edited my post to be clearer about what it is. Sorry about that and thanks. Let me know if I should change anything else :pray:

Edit: Also the free script is a complete script that plays the entire first song of the two-part PMV, and the video fades out cleanly at the end of the song, with no abrupt ending.
I’d like the people who browse free to enjoy it with no need to get part 2 unless they really want it.

The free portion would be basically invisible to most users if it was only to be found deep in my paid section post. Even as a demo its very enjoyable without part 2 and took over 100 hours to create. I hope how everything looks now is solid and doesn’t come off like some cheap demo ad.


We want users to be able to use the free scripts sections to advertise their paid content as long as it stays true to the free scripts intent (gratis).

We have seen some “Part 1” scripts in the free section with paid additional parts. Generally speaking we are ok with this provided the part one script stands on it’s own. IE. Lasts long enough that it is usable.

We don’t have a proper metric for this standard and have been playing it by ear. We also want to honestly avoid getting into metric standards anyway.
Right now the way I action this is roughly based on the video length vs the script length and whether the script is a long script (20+ minutes) or short (few minutes)

I’ll give a couple examples:

  • part1 is 30 minutes, 10 minutes of no action: Fine
  • part1 is 30 minutes, less than 4 minutes of action: Not Fine
  • part1 is 5 minutes, 4 minutes of action: fine
  • part1 is 5 minutes, 2 minutes of action: Probably not fine

Largely the goal is we don’t want the free scripts section to be abused with low quality, crap that only serves to advertise paid content.

We are fine with advertising as long as it doesn’t get in the way of treating users with respect


I rather appreciate this. JAV is so different from western porn and it certainly requires a different approach.

I’ve had issues in the past with how JAV content was being published, but over time it has improved greatly. This community is fairly dynamic and most authors are able to adjust to the needs that different types of porn require.

That being said, my main desire when I visit is that videos are properly tagged because I use the tag search liberally. On that note, the site has really come a long way because I remember a time when searching would make the site cry for mercy.

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I try and keep quiet about such things, but I don’t understand what the issue is. It’s not complex. But all I can do is approach things the way I do. Unfortunately, I don’t post as often in free; however, over the years, I have posted HUNDREDS of scripts for free. If I occasionally rescript, they will remain FREE.
I advertise my Patreon as often as possible. I’d be a terrible businesswoman if I didn’t. But I…
If it’s free, then I want it as easily accessed as possible. I like providing scripts for free. I get great satisfaction from others enjoying them.
Anyway….i guess i dunno where i was going with this. If it’s posted in free, just advertise your business, but provide the script HERE for free. If you are a trustworthy, dependable, bankable scripter, people will come at least check out your Patreon.
My 3 1/2 cents. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Also….IDGAF if it’s a free script or paid…I promise absolute dedication to making the best scripts in the best way I think…for all YOU. I won’t EVER half ass things. EVER. That’s the EvelynEvil666 guarantee! :wink:


I didn’t realize discussion existed until the rule was applied.

But now that it is, Maybe it splits up the forums and muddles everything too much for some peopler’s taste. I think it would be better to make a 3rd category of “externally hosted” or “registration required” free rather than have those be lumped in together with paid scripts.

sometimes I want to grab paid scripts first because patreon is expiring (or at least the content is expiring for my tier) and having the free-scripts – which I have more time to grab – encumbers that process

on the other hand when i’m trying to grab free scripts. I have to dig through the paid section now, to find them – not intuitive, especially when it’s not a creator i subscribe to.

so a 3rd section – seems like a decent compromise, for people who don’t want to be bothered to have to sign up for something don’t have those scripts in the free section, Those who don’t mind don’t have to dig through the paid section – which have content they would need to pay for and sometimes it isn’t clear from the title – not all free scripts say “free” in the paid section now

and for those trying to grab paid stuff within a time restriction don’t get slowed down by the free posts – which again, aren’t always clearly labelled in the title or tags.

I absolutely agree that free content that only serves to advertise paid content should be in the paid section, and within the same post as the paid content.

You may ask regulars like me or mods or flag to change title


Sadly, we are in a timeline where some people believe their entitlement outweighs the courtesy of respect.

No one is entitled to have Patreon traffic, no one is entitled to free scripts. Those of us who browse “free” and subscribe when we like a creator and scripting, ought to be thankful for the people who generously donate time and effort into releasing free scripts.

Those who script for money, ought to be thankful a site like this even exists, so they have a community to market to, in the channels specifically set up to do so.

And if the site users decide there are occasional bad actors they’d like to set up a rule to prevent such actions in the future - acting entitled to advertise to the site users outside the specific spaces set up to do so - “taking the ball and leaving” is really some kind of immature tantrum.

Site users have complained about crap content used as deceptive advertising practice, in a category. And the administration/moderators have decided to act on those complaints. SIMPLE AS.

Flip this around, the ol’ truth table treatment: Free scripters blasting short content that crowds paid scripts off the page, because they want to de-monetize Patreon scripters. Hey, that’s shitty behavior, right?

I own a business. I am not entitled to customer traffic, regardless where I advertise. I have to work for it, and improve my offerings or maintain a level of quality that meets expectations of the marketplace. If you’re not getting the traffic you want, it’s not because the free section isn’t letting you spam-vertise.

And certainly, pitching a fit isn’t going to endear a customer base to you…


I have a definite dislike of buying content that requires an active account to use it. I’ve been burned before, the latest by Sony. If the content provider decides to renege on the deal later, or change the access requirements, or jack up the fee, your options are ‘accept and comply, or piss off’.

See also: Roku’s changes to their terms of service, mandatory acceptance or turn the device off.

Patreon booted off one of the visual artists that I pay for, and while he was able to migrate to Subscribestar, they’re also sketchy about approving artists to get started. Someone here has a creator’s account stuck in their approval limbo. I was paying Gumroad for Formant’s work, but Gumroad got a stick up their ass, likely from their payment processor, and now no new work will be accepted. I figure it’s only a matter of time before some bean counter at Gumroad decides that historical storage space for a content provider that can’t upload, so no more ‘new’ revenue, so one way or another, that will likely drop off, too.

I’m already on Patreon, but the difficulty I have is that subscribing at the free tier often doesn’t allow access to any of it. I’ve subscribed on a monthly basis, in anticipation of regular contributions from the creator, but then frequency and quality drop off. I don’t want to pay for months and then have an unfinished ‘teaser’ pop up after three months. I appreciate the amount of work that goes in, especially on things that are done in someone’s spare time, but I’d rather subscribe in December, pick up what’s been done during the year, and drop back off.

Gumroad’s access process is wonky as well, and while the intent is to download, I have a lack of confidence that I’ll be able to log in later, locate and then download what I’ve paid for. It really has the ‘customer experience’ of buying a windows license key off ebay: hand over your credit card and pray for the best that your order will actually be fulfilled and Visa fraud won’t be calling you at 5 am on a Sunday asking if you’ve been buying hundreds of dollars in gift cards at a certain Australian grocery store that sorta shares a similar name to an American department store. (…Again). This is a common problem with adult payment processing.

I don’t know what’s done with my information, how it’s consolidated and when it’s been sucked up in some data breach, sold Google, or been included in the response to an overbroad subpoena.

There is a name for that, and it’s called “Digital Feudalism”. In Feudal times the lord owned pretty much everything, and you had to rent everything from them. You had to pay for home, pay to use the mill for your flour, rent tools for the fields, and so on, and so on.

To paraphrase the WEF (which shows you what they really think): “You would own nothing, and you’d better be happy about that”.

The entire tech industry desperately wants to be feudal overlords, renting everything to you and selling you nothing.

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I’m leaving this link to the Wikipedia page to encourage people to get a glimpse of the context and maybe look more into it if inclined.
The phrase is often used without regard for context.

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Btw, this to me is an odd one though. As technicaly the 4 minutes are usable. Its just that a 26min long intro is quite a bit off from the standard (but not unusual either). Idealy you want the video to be cut to the portion that matters. But at the same time, you probably also want to preserve the video.

I think here its best to provide both and just accept its 4mins. 4mins of proper action is more than enough as a demo.

Also, technicaly you could also create the advertisement tag for these so users can filter them. But i think this would just end up being clutter and is still not foolproof.

I think the key part is: if you provide a good script, advertising in that thread is not a problem. But make sure the script can be downloaded without any effort. Even signing up to a platform has several problems:
Either it takes time, and time is money (so you already pay there), or you use a quick signup like google, which means you pay with your data (google now definitely knows you signed up). It can also track you through vpns as your user is static, so if you would download something later on, it reveals your information (even if you cant sign up, just knowing that you typed in the mail adres is enough for companies to start tracking you).
Only if there is a direct download link (even if it has a 10s timer - which i would still consider as wall in this case), you can remain anonymous. Thats why its important to not require any logging in.

…and moving to cars, printers, network devices, household appliances, etc. For now, it’s just certain features you have to pay a subscription to use, but soon, I think I’ll have to buy a 4 user annual license to unlock the back doors on my sedan, and a storage upgrade to use the trunk, glovebox, door pockets and center console.

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Grandiose schemes to make other people diet, to make other people ride the bus, to make other people live in tiny, crappy, crowded apartments, by people who have deemed themselves more important than us, who will never eat the bugs, exit their limos, or sell their own houses.

Soon? What about now?


There is at least one Toyota model where your remote key fob requires a service subscription to work beyond the “three months trial period”.

The worst part being that its probably better to never subscribe in order to make theft more difficult.

Automotive security has proven to be often very poorly implemented, to such degree that those remote features get hacked and make theft easier. And fixing these either is ‘difficult’, and in some cases even costs money (they arent going to replace a circuit board for free). If you trust companies at security, watching videos of the lock picking lawyer show how little companies even care. Theft is too rare in most cases.

And then there is the part of ‘end of service’. You might buy a car that has feature X, and you bought 8y after the previous owner bought it new. Now the manufacturer is like: we supported this long enough, so lets kill the server… You just lost a lot of features on a car that for you is still relatively new. And you can be sure that instead of completely unlocking everything, that they just lock it to the default most restricted setting. As unlocking requires programming something to ensure it keeps working offline.

If your car can function without those features, and is completely offline. Its usualy better as then at least you know the manufacturer isnt going to break things by ‘end of service’. And since it functions completely offline, they arent going to hack it through such service.

And since at least local security regarding keys has already been categorized under serious neglect if it can be easily done. Security here is currently at a decent state. Since if a car would be stolen because the manufacturer didnt bother properly securing it, they are to blame and have to pay. And even then, storing the keys in a cookie box is the recommendation. That already shows how little to trust anything remote.

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