Discussing Possible New Rules for the #Free-Scripts Category

Thanks for this, now I understand where the meme in my phone came from. (can’t post it here due to content but eh it’s out there)

A whole bunch of PMV creators are dropping 1-2 min vids on pmvhaven, some are uploading a ton at once, and in the description is almost always a “for full length, subscribe” link to a linktree with only a Patreon, or just the Patreon link. But their pages show no actual lengths of the “full version”, you have no idea what you’re subscribing to…

Which turns out to just be 30 more seconds or a minute longer. Great, I just dropped $10 hoping for some quality content.


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Pmvhaven is full of spammy ad videos anyways. It’s on them for choosing not to moderate it. We need to be better than that.


Sony pulled that, and so did NCSoft, though I think DIVX is the OG for getting people to trust them and turning off the servers. Louis Rossman (on youtube) covers a lot of these shitty companies and products that were not satisfied to selling a good product and making money from it, but becoming parasites.

I’m infuriated by “End of Service” and “End of Support” BS to get me to upgrade to what works out to be essentially a more expensive and worse version of the product, and now with even more spyware installed into ring zero.

There’s entire gaming companies that I refuse to do any business with, EA being the prime example.

I don’t have a problem with people making a buck. I have a problem with people being scammy and deceptive.


Have we come to a decision on the trend of some JAV VR scripters posting “teaser” scripts in Free Scripts then advertising their paid scripts in the same posts?

Using this recent post as an example, there is an issue that I think merits consideration.

In the Free Scripts post, the scripter is clearly advertising for-cost scripts.

  • The preview pics include portions of action ONLY in the paid sections.
  • The description and notes are not explicitly about just the free portion.
  • The MEGA link includes the video portions for the paid scripts.
  • And, most damning, the scripter provides direct links to the PayHip where they sell the other portions.

In my mind this essentially makes this a Paid Script post with an additional free sample attached. Now, if the scripter had merely provided a link to the Paid Scripts thread he created to also advertise the for-cost portions, I think that would have been reasonable.

Right now advertising part 1s is fine.
The caveat is that the free script needs to be able to stand on it’s own.
The example post you showed to me looks fine.

Paid links posted directly in the free post is off-topic and should be posted in paid scripts.
Report that post and I will action it.

Ok, thanks.
I had flagged it as off-topic previously, so cannot report it again to add the appropriate details.

Dealt with. While looking at that report. it should be noted that reports with no details will pretty much guarantee I will reject them. marking it off-topic only adjusts the priority in the review panel. Providing details lets me know why you reported it and I can look into that, otherwise I’d have to look for longer and figure out why it was reported. (select something else and provide more detail)