Discussion about an approach of using FeelMe AI to generate Scripts

Hey Guys,
just wanted to start a discussion about the FeelMe AI thing.
A thought of mine was, that it should be possible to extract the motion tracking as a .funscript file. Im not really approved how the different interfaces (e.g. the website-protocol, chrome, chrome-extension, bluetooth-device connection) are working/communicating with eachother so probably you guys will have some suggestions.

General Setup for Use:

  1. FeelMe AI is opend in a Tab
  2. A partner Website (e.g. pornhub) is opend in an other Tab
  3. The “VideoWatcher” Chrome-Extension is installed
    (4. Your device is via bluetooth connected to chrome and the feelme AI website)

Different Approaches for motion-extraction:

  1. From the website-protocol of the partner website:
    → probably the motion tracking is safed in the cache or something like that
    → if the motion tracking is not safed a “recording tool” during running the video would be an approach

  2. From the “VideoWatcher” extension itself:
    → probably the motion tracking is safed in the cache or something like that
    → if the motion tracking is not safed a “recording tool” during running the video would be an approach

  3. Intercept the bluetooth-communication between chrome/videowatcher and your device:
    → It could be the most “local” way the get the script, because it only would affect parts of the direct bluetooth-communication
    → I assume, that VideoWatcher converts the tracked motions to concrete moving-actions for the device (y-axis position, speed, etc.), so an reverse engineering approach could be the “back-conversion” from the movements to a funscript-file

Hope you guys can help or refer to an probaply existing tool :slight_smile:

Have a nice day ^^


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