DIY Handy Hands Free ideas?

My super setup!=)

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Its been great, I have enjoyed this for about one year now, I usually have some thick foam-tape to cover that bottom steel plate support below. And I have even scripted several videos in openfunscripter, and it works perfect for me in VR and noice-cancelling headset… I would be happy to share my scripts for free, (many hours of work) if anyone is insterested… nice to hear others opinions.

But now… on to a question here, there is one small problem here with this setup, every time the handy reaches the bottom and suddently turns upwards here, it makes a small blunt “bump” into the enitre wood structure I have here, and it just feels a bit unatural… its not really that big issue, it still always works for me everytime I use it… but I still want to try make it perfect! Any suggestions? Some dampering system in the bottom? Or change to the professional handsfree stuff? Or will I also get this “bump” with the professional expensive handsfree gear?

Use with controls facing away is not recomended due to risk of nutsack pinch or sleeve slip out and the slider part slaming down on “member” etc.

No “bump” with the hands³ set up:

I hope you can try this out instead.


It’s a non-issue for me to use it in that orientation. If you’re using it at maximum speed at an out of control pace, you’re going to be at risk for that sort of stuff in in any orientation.

They already said they have been using it for a year that way, don’t you think they would be aware of that risk and experienced it if it’s so prone to happen?

Even Handy’s official handsfree bundle shows it pictured in that orientation too.

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There are always risks, sure.

Please show me where “handy said they have been using it for a year that way”

I agree the photo can mislead users to set it up that way too (monkey see, monkey do) and I have mentioned it before to the team. I imagine the photo and product placement is that way more to show the products (handy, sleeve, handsfree mount and cup) than it’s intended use case.

You could as easily, in that orientation, rotate it so that the controls are facing you and making it safer.

If you look at the handy instructions for use and technical drawings, you will see the handy controls are always facing the user.

I hope this helps prevent others like quite a few even here who have had an issue from incorrect use.

From the Handy X profile

“They” is Kvack, the person you replied to where they said, “Its been great, I have enjoyed this for about one year now” If that person has used their setup for a year, they most likely would have used it enough to understand any risk there.

Rotating it where you can’t see your penis makes it less pleasureful to use. Also, if you don’t use a handy sleeve, like the one I pictured in mine (where you’ve said the same thing) you will notice that it extends outward a few inches past the velcro band. My scrotum doesn’t even come within a few inches of that slot that you’re so concerned about.

Out of curiosity, have you heard stories of anyone getting their scrotum caught in that slot? Can you link to a thread/post where anyone has had this issue?

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It’s called gravity, turn that thing around so the sleeves faces away from you. Then everything does not fall into the slot of a moving machine. It is in their instructions.

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Theres folks here and on the handy discord that have made the mistake and taken a pinch. I’ll try find some links when I’m on a computer but I do see your point about simply adjusting the stroke length not to go down too far as to cause harm. However, that would also limit stroke range by quite a bit.

I designed some clip on sleeve holders that can be inverted for extra stroke depth and maybe that could help maintain the stroke range without the potential pinch point.

No one wants to have a issue down there from the handy… just like wearing a seatbelt, the one time you need it, will be the one time you really need it…and you never know when that will be, so its always best to be safer than sorry etc. Buckle up and use the handy in its intended way or atleast with purpose made accessories to overcum potential issues.

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That shit immediately happened to me when I first tried the Handy and my nuts hurt a lot. Read the manual and saw that I did wrong so yeah it can easily happen.

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I dont understand how that could happen in this design? If you look at my posted pic, the nutsack will always be well hidden/protected under the bottom support metal plate there… there is no way that the machine can reach a nutsack below there…?

The machine never go lower then the metal plate…

And the Handy is still working perfectly for me… like it has for one year now… super-happy with it…=)=)

i’ve got the handy close to 4 years now and i’ve always used it in this position
(excuse the poor paint job )

nutsack under the base of the handy, so the sleeve can go fully up / down my cock

never had a pinch or accident this way.


Glad you havent had an issue yet.

With the handy slider at the bottom of its range, the space between the slider the just behind it, on the handy casing, this is where the nutsack skin can get caught or pinched by the slider and the handy bottom cap casing.

This is more so likely to happen in this controls away set up and when the cremaster muscle contracts to draw the testes closer to the body/up closer towards orgasm.

The sunshine sleeve holders may alleviate this though by extending that stroke space further down and eliminating the pinch point that would otherwise be there.

…i’ve always used the Handy the ‘wrong’ way round!

To prevent accidental scrotal pinching, i wind a bit of soft rope a few times round the top of my nutsack, and tie it off at the back. This prevents them from drawing up when approaching orgasm and throwing themselves into the path of the slider at the most inopportune moment. One could use a ball stretcher, rubber ring, whatever works best for your anatomy.

Fringe benefits for me, i last longer with a ball stretcher, and it pulls the skin of my member down to the base, enhancing the friction…

That makes sense to help. However there is one other huge issue with mounted setup vs wearable where say if you turn to a side to twist your body/hips, this changes your cock alignment in relation to the up and down stroke that could lead to the handy slider’s closest side to hammer down to slam and possibly scratch erect cock thats out of the handy stroke path.

with a wearable, its logically more safer as the handy stroke path stays aligned to cock with the users movements… could probably even multitask while getting stroked away (not recommended, I’m only trying to be humourous in making a safety point - also probably not a good thing…making jokes of everything even with serious points involved).

Anyhow yeah, use with controls facing away should be precautioned and ways to reduce harm like using a nutsack stretcher etc may help just as using a clip on slider extender should prevent harm too.

I get it by the way, we humans are creatures of habit and when something works, we stick to it. Be that as it may, with these clamped and mounted ways. I do however wonder if there is anyone who has tried the wearable hands³ way and was like, nah I’m going back to the ball and chain way of being fixed to a desk or side table etc.

Further to that, I challenge/dare/encourage anyone who has used the fixed way for a while, to try the wearable way. There’s always room for improvement - maybe this could be it for you… maybe the hands³ could be improved further too - but either way, please do try and feedback. It could help the handy community of users at large, just as it was intended to.

I want to buy a hands free setup for my handy so I need some suggestions…

The one with the Stanley mount I found it in my country but it costs 200 USD (yay my country and the shitty regulations for things from outside)…

I want something simplistic I don’t want to attach a lot of things around my handy and do some really “interesting” ways of do some hands free…

Most of the time I’m sitting in front of my computer and I have a gaming chair who can turn 180 degrees too so what I have in my is something wich can adapt the handy to the possition I am (90 degrees, 105 etc)

The only thing that I can come in my mind is a microphone stand as the one I saw in one of the previous post but because I usually use like scripts wich do sometimes a lot of movements or the handy starts to overheat I feel that the stand can’t support the handy so I want something sturdy enought to mount it use it without a problem and when I finish using it I can unmount it…

Can somebody give me a hand with what can I buy?

Thanks a lot!

Cheap 3d print… use with 2 cheap generic 2" velcro backed security duty belts, wrap belts with car seat belt padding if you want added comfort

See vids here that can help

Sit back and enjoy your upgraded handy experience.

Not an official product by the way.

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Hi Abdulis, I’ve seen your Hands3 project ongoing for quite a while on here and in Discord. I’m interested by from the designs I’ve seen I don’t think they’ll quite work for me. I too use the handy the opposite way than recommended, I haven’t had an issue in the years I’ve had it, but this isn’t the point of my reply, just my personal experience.

I guess I see two hurdles for myself with the Hands3, one being that I don’t think the orientation would be what I’m used to, and it seems the bigger your gut, the more challenges this presents. Have you had any adaptations or discussions about how to overcome that (more particularly the second item)?