So this is an off-the-wall question, but does anyone know if a browser plugin/addon exists that blocks/hides all HMV/PMV/Compilation video results on common sites?
It’s probably just me, but I feel like all sites I go to are getting flooded with these things. I know that some people are really into them, and that’s totally fine, but I really don’t get anything out of seeing a portion of the video be the same 10-20 clips mixed into a bunch of different videos with different music. This is not to belittle the efforts people go into making them, they’re just not for me.
Sadly, most sites don’t support “NOT” parameters in their search, nor -hmv/-pmv/etc parameters. So again, anyone know of anything that would help cull/hide results, even if it means I end up with a few blank pages of results on places like pornhub/rule34video/here on erosscripts/etc?