Does anyone have a scripted Hentai db?

Hey, my hard drive died on me so I lost all of my scripts and videos :smiling_face_with_tear:
Does anyone have a db/collection of scripted Hentai? (and is willing to share?
thx in advance

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I dont have a solid db or anything but I keep my eyes peeled for hentai scripts so I can point you to some awesome hentai scripters that are worth you checking out.

this thread dedicated to hentai script legend erobian is here

Check out the contributors to the post IK some of them have some dope scripts, @Midevil , and @DarkkSkull def do. they both have patreons that if you support im sure you can request a hentai they havent done.

@shbek has done quite a bit of hentai scripts with even more on their patreon

@Rat has some absolute heat. most of their stuff is free!

good luck on your rebuilding journey