I want to find people to communicate and chat with, this site is too great, is there a place for special chat? I’m late to the party, I tried to write a script today and I’ve given up…
I want to ask, can I upload a script?
One of the favorite mmd creators.
it will be another long hard time to wait i think.
Ok, mega link now seems legit, sorry for the caution, carry on everyone.
Now, to address your questions since I was all aggro, sorry about that - there is a chat function to the site, located in the upper right hand portion of the UI by the magnifying glass search icon. Some folks here use it, others don’t. You can address/tag people in it so they get a notification on the icon and know to look for a chat message. Also I think you can reply directly to a chat message and the author gets notified.
On posting your scripts, please do! Collaborative feedback is a good way to learn this skill. To post, click the “New Topic” icon, it pretty much walks you through it. If you select Free Scripts in the Category drop down menu, it’ll give you a basic template of the info to fill in. That’s it! Have fun…