Ella Nova - Blow Dried (need help)

My script is for some reason mapped to the wrong video duration (should be 43:12). I haven’t been able to find a way to fix it, so I would love some help.
Here is the video: Ella Nova - Blow Dried

Edit - removed link to incorrect script. I realized that even if SLR deletes the video you can still download scripts that you bought.

  • Include the video name in the title.
  • Add the no-free-links tag if you want nobody to share free video links in the replies
  • Add tags for any video unique qualities, main focus, or polarizing content. For example, unique tags: vr, hentai, cockhero | main focus: blowjob, joi | polarizing content: bdsm

Fill out as much of the below template as you can. Remove any sections that you don’t fill out.

If you take commissions, feel free to mention it in the topic. You can also add the “commissions-open” tag in Script Collections or write it to your profile.

:framed_picture: Preview

:information_source: Details

:memo: Notes

:clock1: Length and :fire: Heatmap

:movie_camera: Video link

:file_folder: Script

Hi there,

I’m working on this now. :slight_smile:

HI @Kaedis is this a script you created? I’ve opened it in my editor and it seems a good portion is unscripted and I’m having a hard time seeing where this links up.

I bought this one from SLR and it’s no longer available - I never tried it until after it was removed and I found it didn’t work. My best guess is it was somehow compressed into a shorter duration - or maybe I was just given the wrong file.

Ok, I’m going to keep trying to sync up and figure out where it’s meant to start/end and adjust!

My script for this video, witch i also bought from slr is completely different from yours @Kaedis. Your script ends after 20:01min but the video is 43:12min long. I think your script is for an other video.

The script you posted was for “VRBangers - Anissa Kate - My Uber Hookup”: https://vrbangers.com/video/my-uber-hookup/

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