FapTap - Watch Free Interactive Porn in your Browser

Are you serious? Looks like not a single PH video is working on faptap…


Working on it. Most of the front page isn’t PH.

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I know you said it’s being worked on, I’m just curious what happened?

Every video has no source and fap tap appears to be a lot of videos as well. Basically all the slowest ones and all my favorites :smiling_face_with_tear:

Appreciate what you do for the community and excited for when things are back up!


Thanks, everything is working again! Really appreciate your fantastic work on faptap (and wank?)

Yes both sites are ours, FapTap.net and Wanks.com
There are a few other issues we are currently working on, but yes the videos should all be working again as of yesterday afternoon.


How you connect an OSR2 to Wanks.com?

Faptap will unfortunatly die by it self due to so many streaming videos are deleted.

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Fyi may want to fix your http->https auto redirection logic. Just typing wanks.com on chrome shows an warning of an insecure site.

Any reason wanks is formatted not to show the latest updates?

That would make browsing so much easier, but I won’t complain, really appreciate the service, just adding a suggestion so apologies if this is not the right place.

Appreciate the feedback. I’ll let the product person know this should be changed

On this it could be helpful if users were able to suggest urls as replacements. And how i think it would be working most ideal:

Users can suggest an url, and the video will display a list of the urls that were suggested (sorted in most likely a valid one to least likely). And if the video is down without having an alternative, they can just mention it being down.
The site could potentialy even perform a check to confirm it was taken down (requesting the page and detecting a takedown error isnt too hard i would guess?)

The video shouldnt instantly display that suggestion (makes it vulnerable to spam from many users at once), but reputation of a user can make the process happen faster. And at the same time, reporting of urls that are invalid (for which users can be blacklisted). Users that posted videos themselve can act as a moderator on here by being able to confirm validity instantly (as currently that is handselected, it works for moderation as abuse is easily purged).

If no url was selected yet, then users can just see the list and choose whichever source they want to use.

It surely wont fix videos lacking sources entirely, but it will negate the need for script creators to keep watch over all videos.

It might not be completely free of abuse, but as urls can be reported for abusive. Users need to build up a reputation, and blacklisting can be easily done. Sure, a bot group might have 100 users all report the same 100 videos correctly down when that happens (and therefor stay somewhat hidden).
But this is where other patterns can detect suspicious behaviour. If the average report count is only 5, and suddenly a video has 100, it could be marked as potentialy botted (and therefor ignore all reports on that specific video - making it very automatable and restricting bot abuse potential).

In the end that is going to be trial and error though. But i do see a potential improvement.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll pass it on and see if it’s something we can do.

I’m relatively tech savy but I believe due to the fast past nature of some VR apps I have been unable to get an answer on how I can achieve the results im looking for there is so many out of date threads and I just don’t have the time/energy to keep searching.

I’m using the original Vive Pro headset, for the life of me I cannot figure this out

Is it possible for me to access faptap through chrome/firefox/edge (which say they are webXR compatible) connect a device then load up a 360 video into the headset? I swear it used to be possible to even watch a 360 youtube video in this manner.

Or do I need to use a 3rd party VR web browser, I tried DeoVR, Connected the device, but I couldnt get any videos (regular or VR) to stream.

Is there another 3rd party app I should be using? I would like to be able to connect and stream to the VR headset rather than having to download any video and its related script and then use initface + scriptplayer

Off topic for Faptap, but can someone point me to an app/thread that can stream local content in a 360 video + allows the video to be scripted.

I’m willing to read and follow instructions.

Why do so many scenes have the script download disabled? As a non Handy user that makes them unusable…

Hi there. We’re working on a report function so we can remove these scenes faster. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I am pretty sure what the guy meant was that the scripts aren’t downloadable (the option you give a creator to enable / disable), not that the video is not available - unless you’re actually going to be removing scenes in which the script creator disabled the option to download their script?

Thank you for the explanation. I’ll pass the feedback on.

Yes that, for example every script from the user qweer is unavailable to download, I assume because they want you to download from elsewhere (or don’t want anyone downloading at all).

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the site works with more than just the Handy. click “Connect Another Device” at the top of the connect dialog

Most if not all of his scripts are downloadable from here. I think if you click on the “source” button it should link you the forum post with link to download.