FapTap - Watch Free Interactive Porn in your Browser

While true, that requires me to connect my OSR2 to my laptop with a USB cable, plus it doesn’t give me as much control as MFP. Much prefer to download a bunch and have them ready.

The source button links to the video source (pornhub).

Gotcha, others link to forum post but also seen what you said as well. Well my comment still stands you can view his Script Index threads (3 broken up my name) to download, not as seamless but you can still download them if you wish

You can find the scripts here, and even more than on FapTap, I didn’t post the latest scripts there

2D videos work for me, but not VR. I am using Meta Quest browser with the Handy.

It says on the website that it supports the Lovense Solace, but I can’t get it to work through bluetooth or intiface even though it connects.

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@Faptap been aboslutely loving the site, its so well done. I have an idea if you dont mind taking a look.

I just ordered a kiiroo powerblow, waiting for it to arrive…would it be possible for that device to be added to the bluetooth supported devices (with the possibility to run both the kiiroo keon and the kiiroo powerblow at the same time potentially)?

and would it be possible to add both an intensity slider and a toggle option to change the upstroke suction and downstroke release to instead be downstroke suction and upstroke release?

Hi there. Thanks for the compliments.

The site should work with any device that uses Funscripts. I don’t think it needs to be on that list to be supported.

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gotcha, that makes sense. lookin forward to gettin it and trying it out. thanks so much!!!

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I think this is the problem with the solace not working. It doesn’t work with scripts it seems.

is there a way to filter certain tags while browsing faptap? i am simply not interested in furry/hentai material at all to the point where it kills my vibe having to sift through all that content. nothing against people who are into it - i’d just like to mute certain tags for myself if possible.


That’s something that we’re working on. I’ll see if I can get the priority increased.


I think exactly the same, I think it is the best short-term change that they have to implement

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Would like to see the possibility to choose your own video source when the original source is gone. Often enough there is an alternative upload somewhere that can match.

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+1, that would be an interesting feature - let me add onto that, why not let someone change the video source locally just for them (even if it’s not down) for this browser session (only on their end) - this would let someone that knows a link for a higher quality video quickly change the video lets say from 480p to 1080p for their enjoyment session (ofc again, only locally for them) - this option would also open up many other possibilities like uploading a standalone script with a “temporary” video that would let people put their own video onto a script - let’s say for an edging session, someone makes an edging script and you can put your own video on it - that would be great imo

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This so much. Went on today and it’s just cartoons, most of it are low quality and incredibly short.

One of them is 29 seconds, what is the point of that?

FapTap now needs to implement some quality control.

It’s done so well so far, but like with anything that gets popular, if the quality is ignored the people will stop using it.

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FapTap is a user submitted site. You’re looking at the “new videos” section, and uploaders tend to submit in batches. We do limit accounts when they’ve submitted more of a subject than we’d like to have.

But ultimately users can upload more of what they’d like to see, or use the navigation buttons on the site since when you’re on a free site you’re not always going to find your cup of tea on the front page.

sorry to have shared one of my first script (the 0:29). I will restrain to put small video in the future. And sorry again, I’ve decided to put my first scripts done since one month at once, scripting Animation.CGI only for the moment, sorry if this bothering you (but it seems to interest other people, in fact I did’nt excepted for my firsts videos to have alread 40 likes and 1.5k view in less than 24h)
For my information and future scripts, a video should be minimum long to be worth? (1 minute, 2 minutes?)

@chris1337 Sorry to have added much animations at once, were just my scripts “in stock”, I will restrain myself now

I fully understand that.

Think of it front the point of view of a first time visitor.

They arrive, see a screen full of short cartoons and that’s the first impression.

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u have nothing to apologize for. as noted above its a free site and while there is content that i dont watch myself i think its important for faptap to remain an inclusive repository. it’d just be a nice qol feature for users to be able to mute specific tags to curate to their specific tastes. dont be sorry or feel bad for uploading your work!! :slight_smile:


Im not sure if this is already stated somewhere here but I couldnt find it searching. Is Faptap able to run through MFP to allow multi-axis improv in existing scripts?

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