FapTap - Watch Free Interactive Porn in your Browser

Invariably, when a website violates your copyright or uploads your content without permission, you send an email to the DMCA email address in the footer. On Faptap, you can use either the DMCA or Contact email in the footer. We take down stolen scripts.

If you’re a creator with scripts on EroScripts who wouldn’t mind sharing your scripts on Faptap, but you don’t want to spend the time uploading them, please reply to this message and we’ll get a volunteer to upload your scripts for you. That would be awesome.

Just a small note that quite a few changes I promised are already LIVE on Faptap. Notably, tagging is improved, and advertising has been reduced significantly. Happy fapping!


Can attest that the tag system is infinitely better and more accurate now!

Much appreciated and looking forward to when the old wanks/IVDB library is integrated!


I love this site.
I do wish there was a overlay to let me know which clips i’ve watched (like ph)
Onscreen small buttons to nudge stroke settings up & down, or keyboard shortcuts for this. I know the physical buttons do same, but mine are hidden by my mount system.
Looping markers A-B might be fun if you like a particular section of a vid to loop.
Playlists might also be fun

Thanks for getting it so good!

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Yeah, I’m not sending you a DMCA claim on a site that hosts hub content. That’s just silly. I’ve already done my part by making you aware of it after doing my research.

It’s been about a month and the script is still up on the site… I was told I’m waiting on you to remove it…

What is the holdup? I’ve waited more than a reasonable amount of time and I’m not going to keep asking/reminding you to do something about my work being exploited on your site especially after I’ve already put you on notice a month prior…


Is it somehow possible to connect my Pico 4 with a Local Video and Script without paying? I only saw method with SLR and HereSphere.

Anyone notice a bunch of the PH videos say no source even though the source is still up?


I’m sorry but I’m unaware of any message history and I don’t know what video you’re referring to. Without that info, I can’t take it down. Please just send a one line email to the DMCA address, if Slibowitz hasn’t already helped you out, or even just post the link to the offending video(s) as a reply to this post. We take down all videos referenced in valid DMCAs.

I was on faptap a couple days ago with my handy and noticed that all scripts where off for some reason. I think it did not actually play any pauses but just jumped to the next action. Not sure if this could be an update I don’t have but I haven’t experienced it before. It was like that both on PC and mobile.

Appears to be fixed now, but I had seen that as well. Also someone was posting other peoples scripts, so that could have been it, I noticed like 5 new videos were uploaded yesterday and are already gone

Is there anyway we could get pmvhaven.com added as a supported site


Bit late response to this, but it might be worth adding that even if the SR6 only has 6 axises it can use, there are combinations that can use more, or diffirent ones.

The T-Code standard is a good base here, but does for example miss a 2nd vibration channel (like a .vib2.funscript) by default. This can still be usefull for scripts targeted towards devices like the edge2.

The 2nd thing to also consider is that some scripts are designed for the handy and can have vertical strokes, that for a fully multiaxis script no longer is needed (can be replaced by rotation)
So its not even that you can always freely combine the scripts either. And this then means several funscripts for the same axis could be needed for proper support.

Its realy worth to think this through further before making it. My suggestion is that you can provide multiple sets of scripts for a video (for example: handy (single axis), sr6 (all 6 axises), edge2 (2 vibration axises)).
And then in the frontend you can select a base set to use and then replace the scripts in a dropdown where needed/desired. This then could for example make it so that if you have a handy and edge combo, that you can select for example just handy, but in the other dropdowns (it should then display 2 vib channels defaulting to off) you can change this.
This means that for the SR6 you could technicaly replace the normal up/down back to the handy. Or in a vib channel you choose one of the SR6 axises. Or if you only have a single channel vibrator, you can toggle which of the 2 vibration scripts you want to use.
The channels that get displayed can be decided by profile settings (setting to ignore certain axises) + what is available in the video (in case an additional axis is available).

The only issue in this suggestion is device detection though. But maybe this could be handled through an MFP interface so you dont have to bother with it? I dont see the issue to having to run such program if i need to connect multiple devices. It still skips the downloading of video/scripts step here.

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When playing VR videos on faptap, they display as flat videos (either with a fisheye view, or split screens like for Google cardboard). It would be awesome if we could get a mobile VR player like the one at, for example, naughtyamerica.com. Especially since faptap is basically the only thing for the handy that works on mobile. :frowning:

By the way, it seems like a lot of the old videos from wanks.com are still not present on faptap. Is more of that content coming?

Thanks for all you do!

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i wish there was an option to connect the autoblow ai ultra to it …instead i have to rip the video and dl the script and play through the website for the autoblow :frowning:

By chance I am wondering if the scripts work with a multi axis toy I just purchased a SR6 but I have struggled to find a website that works on a multilevel is there a way to tell what videos are multi script or are they all a single stroke script. Thanks for the information or guidance on where to go.

Wondering when script requests will be available, seems like it’s been mentioned in the site for a few weeks.

Hoping more scripts can be added along with more source options for creators🙏🏻

I’ve been tried to add scripts/videos since serveral days, but I have an error trying validating once details entered.

What could be wrong ? (thought to be something related to Rule34, but I have already done videos with this site)
Many thanks.

just ran into this problem myself I was able to upload an hour ago not sure what happened.

I am curious if FAPTAP has multi axis scripts or best ways to watch multi axis script with a multi axis toy

I think you just need to use /videos/ instead of /video/ in that URL. Please try that and let me know if that doesn’t solve it. I know this makes no sense but please try it lol