FapTap - Watch Free Interactive Porn in your Browser

Appears that wanks.com is now redirecting to a cam site.

What a shame if that resource is gone.

The current plan is that the wanks.com video database (powered by IVDB) is going to be merged into faptap. Itā€™s not as sustainable to maintain two websites when we can just make one incredible one.

We are starting 2024 off with reinvigorated focus and are going to put a ton of effort into improving faptap, starting immediately.

Please share all feature requests and changes youā€™d like to see here. Please also like the posts of others who suggest features that you would also like to see.

Hereā€™s a partial list of features that are on the roadmap for the next few months:

  • Improving the sorting functionality
  • Improving the tagging/categorization and search
  • Ensuring Performer tagging is 100% accurate on all videos
  • Ensuring users can easily HIDE or SHOW ONLY the big important classifications that are love/hate: hentai, 3d-toon, PMV/HMV, shemale, gay, etc.
  • Reducing in-your-face advertising, while still maintaining a great relationship with Handy. We love them but the entire above-the-fold on the homepage will not be 100% ads. The site is literally designed to be use with toys, I donā€™t think we need to remind people of this by filling their entire screen real estate with ads.
  • Adding a way for users to suggest and vote on features

Faptap is nothing without you guys. Please help by suggesting ways I can improve it.


Can you use the engine (script ā†’ handy) in Faptap, the same as it was in Wanks?
Imho it worked way smoother and without sync issues when skipping through videos (btw, itā€™s already way better in FT then it wasā€¦so kuddoā€™s for that!)

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To clarify, youā€™re saying that, as of last week, the Faptap engine was better or that the Wanks engine was better? Just want to be sure I understand correctly. Then Iā€™ll dig into this in the coming few weeks with the dev team. Obviously there should only be one engine and it should be the better one. Thanks for your feedback.

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An playlist option would be nice! ā€œWatch laterā€ & ā€œfavouritesā€ for example.

Great job of you.


The Wanks engine was better imho.

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If you like a video when logged in, youā€™ll be able to find it later by going to Account ā†’ Likes, which takes you to FapTap | The Interactive Porn Experience

How do you see your suggested feature working differently?

I do like the idea of people being able to make Playlists, and then making them either public or private (defaulting to private). My overall focus with Faptap is to grow the userbase of interactive toys in general. So features like curated public playlists are a good idea.

Hell yeah, super excited and really appreciate the response.

Looking forward to the merge!!

My biggest suggestion is there needs to be a way to report broken links, or for folks to be able to include new ones. I know thatā€™s much easier said than done, but I think the main issue now is so many videos that donā€™t have working sources anymore.

Would also love to be able to filter out some categories as well, but I also understand that content is being submitted because people are making it and want it so Iā€™m also fine with using the account likes to be my personal filtered section.

Thanks again for the recourse yā€™all provide the community.


Honestly all we need to do is make it so that when the ā€œthis video file has been removedā€ message is displayed to the user, it uses a client-side call to notify the team. Easy fix.

Within a month weā€™ll have cleaned up all broken sources.

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Imo playlists would be better than just liked videos - you might want to like many videos because you enjoy them and to ā€œsupportā€ the creator but it might not be a video you want to come back to for later - a separate playlist would let people add their favourite videos into categories like PMV, watch later, edging or whatever without having to dig through all the liked videos. So in my opinion adding playlists would be a great idea :slight_smile:

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Great to see improvements are happening. Makes a lot of sense to merge the sites and create one big site.

Regarding the features Iā€™d like to see the most:

  • Playlists (create them and share them with others)
  • Show heatmaps for the scripts
  • Better filter options
  • A loop function
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Playlists and better filtering will be done, soon.

Regarding heatmaps, Iā€™ll add it to the todo list, but at the bottom. This is just so you can tell at a glance whether a script is going to be enjoyable?

Loop function means that after the video finishes playing, it restarts seamlessly, and continues playing forever? (Mostly used for short videos?)

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The heatmaps would serve the function to see how intense a script is. It gives a good overview about the script and can help users to see if a script is for them or not.

Loop function would be more like that: Set a point A at minute 1:23 for example and a point B at minute 2:22 for example. Now it loops that specific section.


Is it possible to set an offset delay for the video with an intiface connection? Due to my setup with restim (and xtoys) the video needs to lag about 500ms to be synched. This was possible to setup with different scriptplayers. Thanks for the help!

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It needs more gay content


Please DM me for creator access if youā€™d be willing to add gay content. Iā€™m not sure if the issue is that the gay scripts simply donā€™t exist, and need to be made (which is not easily fixable within the next month or two), or whether the issue is just that we need someone to add it (in which case any volunteers would be greatly appreciated)!

We do have plans to add a tremendous amount of new scripts made in-house in 60-90 days. Iā€™ll make sure to include gay content.

Regarding looping and heatmaps: understood. Itā€™s on the list, at the bottom.

more ebony videos because its not much please


Yes i know, which is great for its purpose - to show appreciation for the creators work!

But the ā€œlike-sectionā€ turns into this huge pile of vids youā€™ve both seen and want to see for later. And ofc i dont want to remove the ā€œlikeā€ when iā€™ve seen the vid!

With a playlist feature you can remove (or move to a different playlist) however you like.

Hope this text made any sense, english is not my native language.

Faptap still works like a charm as it is now, no complaints here. Although some xhamster links doesnt work, but i guess you know that!

Edit: if this text came of as arrogant or something i want to clarify its written with nothing but respect and is only an suggestion for a update! :slight_smile:

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Someone reposted one of my scripts on the site and its been about a week now and itā€™s still upā€¦ since nothing has been done about it I am now asking, what do I have to do to get it removed?

PM me on either here or on Discord with the video link. Iā€™ll remove it.