Find free VR scripts missing for local files automatically

Quick script I whipped up to match local files to (free) VR scripts on the site. It uses the free VR script list as a datasource. It is very janky since the filenames have varying patterns, but it works well enough to be useful (I found close to 30!! scripts that I missed).

The output is as follows in case a local script could not be found for a videofile, but a free script does exist on Eroscripts according to the google sheet. You need to manually compare the title and the filename as some false results are very likely to occur.


  • Install python3
  • Install fuzzywuzzy (Terminal command after installing python: pip install fuzzywuzzy)
  • Install python-Levenshtein (Terminal command after installing python: pip install python-Levenshtein)
  • Copy paste the code into a file (
  • Download the free VR script list (save as csv through google drive) to the same folder as
  • Open and adjust the variables video_folder and funscript_folder
  • Adjust the regex if you think it is worth it (paste filelist in and tweak there)
  • Adjust similarity_threshold threshold if you want more or less results with more or less false positives
  • Run the code (python


import os
import pandas as pd
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz #pip install fuzzywuzzy
import re

#variables to adjust
csv_file = "free_scripts.csv"
video_folder = "G:\\vr\\8k" #video folder
funscript_folder = "G:\\vr\\funscript" #funscript folder; can be the same
similarity_threshold = 69 #nice! (sensitivity between 0 and 100)

# Load the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file,)
mp4_files = [file for file in os.listdir(video_folder) if file.endswith(".mp4")]

#used to select studioname + title and cut off all the excess such as resolution, etc
regex_pattern = r"^(.*?)([Oo]culus|3d\W|\dk|180|\d+p|_LR|[_-]\d[Kk]|A_XXX|A\sXXX|_UHD|\d{4}).*?mp4$"

# Function to check if a funscript file already exists in the target folder
def is_funscript_exists(file):
    file = "".join(file.split(".")[:-1]) + ".funscript"
    path = funscript_folder+"\\"+file
    return (os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.islink(path))

# Iterate over the MP4 files and perform fuzzy matching
matched_files = []
for mp4_file in mp4_files:
    match =, mp4_file)
    if match:
        mp4_title_match =
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
                similarity_ratio = fuzz.ratio(mp4_title_match, "{} {}".format(row["Studio / Scene type"],row['Name of the scene']))
                if similarity_ratio >= similarity_threshold:  # You can adjust the similarity threshold as needed
                    print([mp4_file, row['Name of the scene'], row['Link to the post']])

This is pretty cool.
I found an alternative to fuzzywuzzy that I liked for file comparisons.

I use this one for file comparisons - jellyfish.jaro_similarity
The speed is also much faster, like 10-50x.
It worked a lot better than fuzzywuzzy for me for matching up some hentai titles when I was scraping this one website for funscripts.


import jellyfish
jellyfish.jaro_similarity("Energy Kyouka ep2", "Energy Kyouka!! 02 [E3B0301C]") #88.0 

Thanks! I tried it, but it seems slightly slower compared to fuzz. I did install the recommended python-Levenshtein package which accelerates fuzz greatly; without it is indeed considerably slower. I’ve added it to the instructions for now.

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Oh, that explains why you got fuzz faster. Never knew about it.

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Hey, thank you so much for this tool.
I am not very familiar with Python, so I wanted to ask you for assistance:
Is there a way to adjust the video_folder and funscript_folder variable so it can include multiple subfolders?
I don’t have all my scenes in one folder, I have multiple folders, sorted by the studios.
Like maybe I can add all folders as separate variables and then and iterate over them as a list?

Could make it work!
If anyone is interested, I added a dictionary to map video folders to their corresponding funscript folders and then changed the for loops slightly.

Here is the code with a template dictionary if anyone is interested:

import os
import pandas as pd
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import re

# Variables to adjust
csv_file = "free_scripts.csv"
similarity_threshold = 69 #nice! (sensitivity between 0 and 100)

# Dictionary to map video folders to their corresponding funscript folders
folder_mapping = {
    "X:\\BadoinkVR": "Y:\\BadoinkVR\\Funscripts",
    "Y:\\fuckpassVR": "Y:\\fuckpassVR\\Funscripts",
    "X:\\VRBangers": "Y:\\VRBangers\\Funscripts",

# Load the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
mp4_files = [file for folder in folder_mapping for file in os.listdir(folder) if file.endswith(".mp4")]

# Used to select studioname + title and cut off all the excess such as resolution, etc
regex_pattern = r"^(.*?)([Oo]culus|3d\W|\dk|180|\d+p|_LR|[_-]\d[Kk]|A_XXX|A\sXXX|_UHD|\d{4}).*?mp4$"

# Function to check if a funscript file already exists in the target folder
def is_funscript_exists(file, folder):
    file = "".join(file.split(".")[:-1]) + ".funscript"
    path = os.path.join(folder, file)
    return (os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.islink(path))

# Print "Searching..." message

# Iterate over the MP4 files and perform fuzzy matching
match_found = False
for mp4_file in mp4_files:
    match =, mp4_file)
    if match:
        mp4_title_match =
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
                similarity_ratio = fuzz.ratio(mp4_title_match, "{} {}".format(row["Studio / Scene type"], row['Name of the scene']))
                if similarity_ratio >= similarity_threshold:
                    folder = os.path.dirname(mp4_file)
                    funscript_folder = folder_mapping.get(folder, "")
                    if is_funscript_exists(mp4_file, funscript_folder):
                    print([mp4_file, row['Name of the scene'], row['Link to the post']])
                    match_found = True
            except Exception as e:
                print("Error:", e)

# Print "No matches found!" if no matches were found
if not match_found:
    print("No matches found!")

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