Flash Game - Doctor Cursed - Zone-tan Service / YCH Project


Zone Game

:information_source: Details

Using the nice flash tool created by notSafeforDev (can be found here). this maps a funscript to each games’ animations.

Contains the following:
Doctor Cursed - YCH Project
Doctor Cursed - Zone Tan

Made for theHandy

:memo: Install Instructions

Install Instructions:

  1. Download the Flash Toy Sync tool .zip from notSafeforDev’s repo.
  2. Download the game and json from the mega folder below.
  3. Place matching json and game files in the matching animations-as2/3 folder. It should look like this as an example:

    Ensure that the game.swf and game.json files are not in a subfolder/subdirectory
  4. Run Flash-toy-sync-as2/3.exe and select the game.swf in question
  5. Ensure that your Handy is in Wifi mode and that the connection key is entered into the program (or init-face)

Ensure that you run the matching as2/as3 for the specified folders…

:file_folder: Script

Folder contains the games and their associated jsons.

:clock12: Other

I discovered these two in the giant F95 flash player, it has a ton of flash games in it AND it plays them automatically. I liked these enough that I think they deserve their own thread.

It’d be pretty cool if there was a way to integrate the flash-sync tool into the playnite player, but who knows.

Key commands for YCH Project:
Press 1 2 3 4 to skip between the emotion progress and press 0 to pause the progression. Z X C will let you select between the skin color of the men. Pressing V will return the skin color selection to random. Press N to clean the graffiti and press M to pause the graffiti progression. Pressing P while cumming vaginally will guarantee pregnancy. Press Q to swap between backgrounds. Press ` on Zone-tan, Ochaco Uraraka, Raven, Ryuko or Mai Sakurajima to toggle nose hooks.

Edit1: Fixed a couple missing animations in the zone game, but could be missing more due to inconsistent behavior


i have no problem with other flash projects but when i load the YCH one it cycles all options in about 2 seconds and i cant figure out how to get it to stop. it just runs through every female and on like 100% speed and i cant control it with any commands.

also by the way any chance you could get the rainbow dash one thats on newgrounds?

are they scripted or not

Make sure you start the YCH one with animation-as3 as I see that issue occur on the as2 version. As for the NG one, please link a download link to the game in question.

Yes, both games are scripted as it is in the free script category. I’m not sure I understand the question being asked.

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thanks i just came back to say i had found that was the issue.

heres the link to the one in question. not sure if its viable though since it is a 3 part thing.

i meant those files from f95

They are not as its merely an archive for flash games.

fuck i wish i read this part before downloading the 22gigs lmao

Are they will be scripted in the future

All flashes must be scripted manually for now and considering the tool is pretty much only used on this website (afaik), I very much doubt it at this moment

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So if i want to script myself i must use that tool

Screenshot 2021-12-30 222303
U can kinda use Playnite with the Flash Sync Tool. I just created a folder for each flash game and made them standalone via .json. Quite some work but it works.
Screenshot 2021-12-30 222513


That’s pretty sweet!

I would like to add a similar menu like that, where you have screenshots of each game that you have played. Eventually I would even like to make it so that games can be downloaded directly from the tool, but that’s pretty far off at the moment.


could you upload them to mega or somewhere else

btw is there some kind of turtorial to how to do this

The mega link is down. Update please?

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Updated with Link

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