Zone Game
Using the nice flash tool created by notSafeforDev (can be found here). this maps a funscript to each games’ animations.
Contains the following:
Doctor Cursed - YCH Project
Doctor Cursed - Zone Tan
Made for theHandy
Install Instructions
Install Instructions:
- Download the Flash Toy Sync tool .zip from notSafeforDev’s repo.
- Download the game and json from the mega folder below.
- Place matching json and game files in the matching animations-as2/3 folder. It should look like this as an example:
Ensure that the game.swf and game.json files are not in a subfolder/subdirectory - Run Flash-toy-sync-as2/3.exe and select the game.swf in question
- Ensure that your Handy is in Wifi mode and that the connection key is entered into the program (or init-face)
Ensure that you run the matching as2/as3 for the specified folders…
Folder contains the games and their associated jsons.
I discovered these two in the giant F95 flash player, it has a ton of flash games in it AND it plays them automatically. I liked these enough that I think they deserve their own thread.
It’d be pretty cool if there was a way to integrate the flash-sync tool into the playnite player, but who knows.
Key commands for YCH Project:
Press 1 2 3 4 to skip between the emotion progress and press 0 to pause the progression. Z X C will let you select between the skin color of the men. Pressing V will return the skin color selection to random. Press N to clean the graffiti and press M to pause the graffiti progression. Pressing P while cumming vaginally will guarantee pregnancy. Press Q to swap between backgrounds. Press ` on Zone-tan, Ochaco Uraraka, Raven, Ryuko or Mai Sakurajima to toggle nose hooks.
Edit1: Fixed a couple missing animations in the zone game, but could be missing more due to inconsistent behavior