- a website for playing, modifying and generating funscripts!

Hmm yeah I think it’s just the inherent delay in the way that I’m determining the colors (it uses an average of the last few actions) - perhaps I should make it use the average of the last few AND the next few - that would remove the delay. That’s a useful insight, thanks!

Oops, no that’s a new bug, which I’ve now fixed :slight_smile:

You could certainly host it yourself - it’s just a react app so you could clone the repo and run the command npm run build, then just serve the output folder locally as a static directory.

In terms of having your downloaded videos and scripts available when you Browse Scripts - you’d have to code that yourself. I’m using an endpoint I exposed on my other site to get the top recent scripts - for it to work locally you’d have to set up your own local database and API.

Will the website work with other devices? for example Kiiroo Keon?

I’d like to add support for more devices, but I don’t own any others and it would be quite a lot of work, so it’s not super high on my priority list. I suspect it’ll happen eventually, but I doubt I’ll get to it anytime in the next few months…

Here is a better example of the heat map color issue.

PMVFiend - Game.funscript (24.5 KB)

At 2:40 it enters an orange section. At 2:48 the color starts fading to yellow and continues to fade to green. However, the action at 2:48 is much slower and stays slow for the next 20 seconds. At 3:12 the action speeds up again but the colors continue to fade to green. at 3:18 the green section begins but the action is much faster than during the prior yellow section.

Hope this helps!

Ohhh yeah that is a good demonstration.

It definitely is the delay, but it’s worse than I expected! I know exactly what’s going on now, thanks so much for the examples. I’ll be able to fix this easy peasy now (probably not this week though I’ve got two deadlines coming up :'c)


I also noticed that sometimes there are (intentional) short gaps in the script but the heat map still shows activity. Is that related? Would you need an example of that?

That’ll be the same issue I believe. I’m planning on a totally different algorithm to create the heatmap. Very small gaps might not appear if the heatmap isn’t very wide, but my new planned algorithm should be much more accurate!


Hey again.

Minor issue - When I load a vid or fs, I typically click the button to bring up the file open dialog instead of dragging from a file list window. Once loaded, when I press Space to play the vid, the vid starts but the file open dialog also pops up again. I believe it’s because the button retains focus and space activates it. If possible, can to move focus to the player after a file is loaded to avoid this issue? (note: Firefox on Mac)


Oh yep that’s an easy-to-fix bug, it’s on the list, thanks! :slight_smile:

aww man, SLR forced a firmware update to wokr with them… but then I use and it doesn’t work with the new firmware update… =(

can’t decide what firmware I want to keep the handy at…

Ah yes, I’m still running with the API v1, since most people are still using it. I’m probably going to build a v2 version of the site soon, but I’ve been quite busy with work lately so I haven’t had as much time to work on the site.

I’ll definitely be angry with myself if I don’t have it done in the next few weeks though since I’ve been putting it off too long, so stay tuned!

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Hey hey. Another minor one.

When you added the .funscript filter to the file-open dialog you prevented the use of .csv. Can you please add .csv into the filter as well?

Oh, that was intentional, but temporary. I need to write some code to turn a .csv file back into a .funscript so that I can render a heatmap of it, and I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’ll get to it soon though!

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Hi, recently I have updated my Handy firmware to 3.0. seems to be not responsive. Anyone has the same problem?

Yeah I need to update the site support FW3 but I haven’t had a chance the last few weeks for a bunch of reasons. I’ll add a notice on the site that it’s coming soon. Sorry about the delay! :c

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I appreciate your great work. Well done

Another minor request… :slight_smile:

Can you make it so that double clicking on the video toggles full-screen mode?


Yep good call - it goes on the list!

Man i love your Website its been great so far! Any idea when you’ll have the fundoubler for modifying scripts available? There are some fap heros and cock heros i would like to try out with it

Glad you like it! It’s been on my list for a while, but my girlfriend has moved back in with me for a bit so it’s hard for me to find solid blocks of time where I can work on my NSFW projects :sweat_smile: