FUNSR1 - the better Handy - my detailed review

Weird that you get the “no script found” message. If it’s successfully connected it should catch the script by itself then.

Give it a try with MultiFunPlayer and if you run in any problems, let me know.

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Okay so I’ve got MFP installed and my FUNSR1 connected. Everything seems to work perfectly when I play something on my computer. Connecting to Heresphere is also no problem. It says that I’m connected, but when I play a video in Heresphere there is no movement. There’s also no heatmap in Heresphere or MFP. MFP does show the title of what’s being played in Heresphere so they’re clearly communicating with each other. Basically this looks like the same experience I was having with ScriptPlayer.

Hmm, weird.
Did you do this?

  • Click connect (NOTE: DeoVR, Whirligig and HereSphere require you to enable remote server/control support in their settings)

Are you playing local files or from XBVR?
If you are playing local files then make sure the script file has the same name as the video file.

Is there a stated range on this device to compare it to The Handy? Can anyone measure it since it’s not on the page for the device anywhere.

It was 110mm when I measured

Should be the same as the stated range of the Handy.

Same as The Handy then, got it.
Seems worth it for the USB power though? I wasn’t sure if this could be powered via USB or if the USB just provided a connectivity option. If the Bluetooth works out, it can be convenient with a portable charger and Bluetooth for usage.

The USB only provides connectivity unfortunately. You’ll need a DC power brick to run it.

Yes, and both MFP and ScriptPlayer say “connected.” Both players even show the title of the video playing in Heresphere.

I’m playing local files.

Yes, all of my scripts have the same name as their video. Everything works fine when I play a script on my computer with MFP or ScriptPlayer. It’s only when connecting these players to Heresphere that it acts like there’s no script. My Handy has also been playing scripts when directly connected to Heresphere via wifi for years now. I can’t understand what I could be doing wrong.

Do you have HereSphere on a quest?
How are you playing scripts on your computer?

Yes, I have Heresphere installed and fully updated on a Quest 2. I have the timestamp server enabled. I’ve also toggled this off and on and refreshed it many times. I’ve refreshed the IP address, and entered the IP address and port displayed in Heresphere into both MFP and ScriptPlayer. I have also restarted my headset and computer between attempts.

For years without issue I’ve been playing scripts on my computer with my Handy connected via wifi to ScriptPlayer. I can also play scripts on my computer with the SR1 connected via USB to Intiface and connect to ScriptPlayer that way. I can also play scripts on my computer with the SR1 connected via USB to MFP and use MPV for video.

There is a difference in playing videos on your computer and on your quest.

If you are playing on a quest then MFP probably can’t find the path to the video file and match the script so you have to add a script library.
Click “script repositories” button (its to the left of the play/pause), select “Local” tab, and add a path to the folder where your scripts are. You can check the “recurse subdirectories” option if you have subfolders.

If that still does not work then post your latest log file in this thread because we are getting offtopic:

I guess that worked, but is it supposed to take five minutes to load the script every time? The FunSR1 is connected with the usb cable directly to my computer so I thought this was supposed to be instantaneous or at least faster than the Handy downloading a script over wifi. I’ll post the log over in the other thread in case I’m just doing something wrong.

@Slibowitz Do you experience these extremely long loading times with the Funsr1 when trying to play something on Heresphere?

No, it works instantly. But my setup is different. SR1 is connected via USB to my PC. For VR content I am using my Pico 4 with Virtual Desktop to run HereSphere. The scripts are stored on my PC and are not stored on my VR headset.

Okay well that’s good news but also really frustrating because that’s basically my same setup. The only difference is that I’m using a Quest 2, and I don’t use Virtual Desktop. Hopefully I can get this sorted in the other thread because I am really excited to actually use this thing.

my initface isnt connecting to my funsr1. id like to play vids on scriptplayer and ive gone to ratattacks post so…still cant get it to connect. help please

now im trying to connect to MPV but it starts to connect then gets disconnected

I had the same problem at first. With this it should work:

yea i got it

what mount do you use? now my vesa mount screws dont fit the funsr1. they slide in and out