Hi. I was wondering if any Game Mod dev’s could lead me in the right direction to figure out if Toffi’s Princess of the Ring2 game would be able to be used with the Handy and EDI?
Is there a simple way to tell if it could work just like Fallen Angel?
100% approved! I am going to enhance EDI to include ‘VS Two Channels’ functionality, allowing you to play this game with your bro or your partner. If anyone is interested in integrate, please contact me.
is thare a way to make a program that controlls the handy threw a game controler so you can just map anygame to the handy so you can get handy intagration on any rhythm games or any game you want
Yes, I remember sending a message to Tofi on Patreon when I was integrating Fallen Ángel Marietta. He helped me at that time. To integrate the game, you should open data.win with an Undertable Mod Tool. There, you need to start searching and identifying by name the different scenes that are triggered. Check the integration of Fallen Ángel Marietta. All the methods I added have a launcher prefix, which in this case should be changed to edireport. Then make a http post to EDI and send the gallery name
A log file is a very inadequate output for the type of rapid-level communication needed to make the game interactive in real time. EDI must be informed of the attack when it occurs in the game with An HTTP. In GameMaker 2, this is done with a function. It would be best to capture all these attacks and pass them through a single common function, which would then inform EDI inside.