GIF Generator OWO

Hello friends, I am sharing this program that I made, I tried several programs to generate gifs,


most of them are paid or annoying, so I decided to do it myself,
I am sharing it with you, if you want to donate something it is fine uwu, I am saving for a Fun OSR2 with rotation, I leave the link here uwu.

I recommend 8 seconds

1__select the area
2__start recording
the rest is automatic uwu


Start_________ recording will begin
Stop_______will stop the process
Select Area_________Allows you to choose what you want to record

Select Folder____________allows you to choose the folder where the gifs are saved
Open folder_______________will open the folder, if you did not select anything the program will generate a folder called GIF_funscript and open it


what does this do and what does it have to do with funscripts?

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owo presentation It is for editors to use, to showcase their scripts and for others to see what funscripts is like.

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Thanks for making this. I’ll definitely be testing it for future projects.

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Thank you man I’m using this right away.

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Hi, I always scan programs or folders before I open them. And the program has malware in it. I have a photo as proof. My virus program was able to find it and isolate it.

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That’s weird, if you like I can send you the code to edit it more easily

Here I leave you the code, make sure to install the libraries
If you have an antivirus, any unlicensed Windows application will be detected as a virus.