Handy synctime

Hi. I run into a problem.

I make a PMV a move the whole script until it was nearly perfekt with the scriptplayer 1.2.0. at "0"ms scriptdelay.

Then i tried it at the localscriptplayer in handyfeeling.com. The delay is at -125ms.
Script is running delayed. Allright thats understandable.

I put the syncadjustment at the localplayer to 0 ms but its crap.

I try a new script syncronisation at scriptplayer to -125ms.
Testrun on localplayer with syncadjustments -125 ms is crap.

What to do? :sweat_smile:

I use Scriptplayer and check my latency upon connection. Usually when it says a latency of 90-100ms, I used -125ms as the delay. I keep the script itself properly synced frame by frame to the action.

Personally all those websites are a bit off for me so idk, I just avoid them generally. Syncplayer latency has been more consistent.

Hi hentaiprodigy69.
Thanks for answering me.
In PMV i try a sync to the music not to the picture but you have bring me up a new idea. Thank you.

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