This is a major release for HandyControl V1.0.0
I guess this was overdue
Here you can define how the heatmap and preview should look like on export. There are currently four different types supported.
You can use the scroll wheel on you mouse to change the numeric values or enter them. The heatmap resolution will be updated in the background.
The height will only affect the heatmap but not the preview.
Preview Only
Preview with Heatmap
Preview with Heatmap Overlay
Heatmap Only
The option Only Visible Area just exports the current area of the script that is visible so you can zoom in to show details. You can use the markers selection mode F1 and F2 to prevent that the preview is reset to the current script position when you are trying to find a good part to export.
The option Add Surrounding Space is a workaround for EroScripts since it automatically rescales and crops images and as a result sometimes hiding the top or bottom borders of transparent images.
If you enable the speed line you can also make an export with the Preview with Heatmap Overlay mode. In this case the speed line gets the heatmap overlay. This mode will always use a transparent background independent of your setting.
Use the heatmap resolution to adapt to the script length. You should avoid white gaps in your heatmaps on slow speeds.
You can find more examples here:
Stroke Recorder
The Stroke Recorder can be used to record the stroke and speed commands that are send to Handy in automatic mode. The main use it to record the action when someone else is controlling your device from the internet so you can replay it anytime later. It will also record the action if you press the speed and stroke buttons on the device itself or using a gamepad.
Just hit New Record and HandyControl starts to record the action. Any recognised stroke or speed change will be visible in the log window, so you know what is happening.
After you have stopped the recording you can export the collected data as a HandyControl Script (*.hcs).
The script itself can be used like any other script in HandyControl and shows a heatmap and details in the preview. You can use it as it is or export it as a funscript. The HandyControl Script can be altered with any application that can read csv files.
Here are two examples of recorded scripts.
Stroke Generator
This feature got a big update which I dont want to show you in details right now since I am still working on it. The Stroke Recorder is using itâs features and I have also posted a script that was created with it.
Integration of FunHalver
You can now convert a script with Funhalver directly in the app. There is a new setting where you set the application path to the app of @defucilis. Now it only takes 3 clicks to convert a script to easy mode.
Timestamp Markers
Nothing special. I have just added a script setting so you can see where the timestamps are.