HandyControl 1.2.3 (28.11.2021) - Added Support for Pyro (Remote Control)

I’m using HandyControl 1.2.0 and I uninstalled and re-installed DeoVR yesterday, so all that is up-to-date. The only navigational input that takes place is using a controller through HandyControl, or a manual mouse click on the heat map time line. DeoVR doesn’t get touched as a program, but simply restarts the video. I have checked, navigating with DeoVR works fine; I can step ahead or backwards without the video starting over completely.

Maybe some double used gamepad buttons from DeoVR? Dunno what’s wrong :frowning:

I am also experiencing the navigating back to 0 issue with DeoVR and v1.10 and 1.20 of Handy Control.

I believe filesize/filetype etc. is a red herring because I’ve had the bug both occur and not occur on the same files and scripts. I’ve had navigation work correctly on all files, only to restart the program and the navigation issue starts occuring on every file. I’m still troubleshooting but it’s rather confusing because I didn’t adjust any settings between it navigating correctly and it not. Thanks for the great app :slightly_smiling_face:


Can I, one more time, say THANKS! for this software :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have already given SweetTech my money buying theHandy, but the fact that HandyControl is provided for free makes me that much more appreciative of it.

And thanks for implementing the auto-reconnect feature - A few versions back, once the Handy (or HandyControl, not sure which) disconnected, you would get this dialogue box that you would then have to click OK or something, meaning you were taking your HMD off at the most inopportune moment.

In these later versions, I havent had to do that. It reconnects on its own without my input, meaning no interruptions. Totally awesome piece of software this is.

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I’ve recently been getting an error when I try to use the Stroke Generator on automatic. An 'Unhandled exception has occured in your application. There’s a load of details too, which I can sent if it helps. Any idea about how to fix this?

Why do i get error Script Prepare - Error - Success False ???

Just want to add - DeoVR is indeed just starting from the beginning when trying to seek with LB or RB, and the script is going ahead. Quite annoying and makes it almost unuseable because I don’t want to sit through 30 min of nothing before the action all the time :frowning: and I really want to use this app.

Hey again.

Some new ideas, wishes or suggestions.

Ive asked this before, but I wish there was the option to bind certain commands to keyboard or/and mouse. Most important being pause/play. Especially in the Stroke Generator.
I use that function alot and it would be nice to quickly pause it without having to tab out and find the stop button with the mouse. Sometimes it just takes too long. It also makes it hard to pause/play when im wearing a VR headset.

Add timed stops into Stroke Generator. “Every 1-60 seconds pause for 1-10 seconds and resume”

As a small extra note, I used to having problems with scripts timing out when trying to sync. The problem almost dissapeared when upgrading to thehandy’s new version fw3. For anyone struggling with the same.

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Is there any way this scaling slider could include a 1.25 option?


The video sync works with media player classic seems to sync with the scaling slider as long as you pick 1.1 or 1.5 on this option, I assume a 1.25 would work as well, but on the slider there is only 1.2 or 1.3.


The custom speed increase option doesn’t seem to work and when changing the playback rate on mpc, it resets immediately to a 1.0 playback rate.

I don’t have a handy but I wanted to make the nobras twincharger work.
It connects well but no vibration when I launch media player locally (authorization made locally and Media player listening on the correct port)
Thank you in advance for your help.

Unfortunately i wasn’t successful in upgrading from a much older version.
I keep getting the following error when uploading script to handy:
Downloading the script to Handy…
Script Prepare - Error - Success False -

I tried higher timeout numbers, server api v1 & v2, opening as admin, reading the pdf i entered a fw3 in front of key also without luck…
I also tried local scripthost which the site couldn’t be reached on a other device, Then when messing with norton firewall it is now opening on a other device. But still the same error.

What could be the reason of this error?.

long story short: fix for problems downgrade your handy -
Today i spend quite some time troubleshooting, I found out the old version of handycontrol also stopped working for me.

Reproduce the problem:
If handy is connected with power and in wifi mode. handy control works like normal it uploads the scipt, opens player and the handy follows the script. The problem starts when u go into manually override with the controller. From this moment only manual control works and handy control gives errors. The only way back to normal is turn handy wifi of and on or disconnect power and start up again. And restart handy control.

Because the old version had exactly the same it must be the new firmware update FW3 i did recently. I downgraded to old handy firmware. And yes it all works again!. So for my situation handy firmware 3 doesn’t like handy control. Is this just me or was this general knowledge?. Anyways i am happy it is working now!. Hope this helps others.


I really really hope that FW 2.13 and API 1.0 does not get phased out any time soon. My set up works perfectly at the moment with HC 1.2.0 and thus no reason for me to upgrade until FW3 is as good as FW2 and all kinks have been ironed out.

Will have a look into some of the issues the next time. Was out of the country the last weeks :wink:
@01Slayer10 Yes, FW 2.13 / API V1 is the way to go for the moment until I find time to update the code.


Great to know it’s not only on my side. No worries. Thank-you so much you are doing gods works!. :smiley:

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There is no way to use HandyControl with the deoVr app on quest 2. I need to find a way to use the quest 2 with my pc and steam ?

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I’ve managed it, but its a pain. If you sit at your desk and have HC open, and the script downloaded to your handy pressing space bar at the same time you hit play in vr will start them at the same time.

I was exactly doing that too :joy: Know I’m trying to use handy connection to deovr but it’s not stable with my bad connection

Wow this is awesome if it works. Thanks for the info.

Can confirm this works! Thanks for the tip!

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