HandyControl 1.2.3 (28.11.2021) - Added Support for Pyro (Remote Control)

I don’t like the idea of other software depending on my internally used settings (for hopefully obvious reasons).
They shouldn’t become an extension of the “.funscript” format.
I prefer when people use the “File”->“Share” functionality to strip them from the funscript entirely before sharing.
Also to further enforce this my internal settings may become unreadable in the future, if I decide to have my own OFS specific project format, people would be forced to export that to funscript (without the settings).

Note: I wouldn’t make my own format to prevent reading of the settings. It’s something I had on my mind in general to further improve performance. Pretty sure I could achieve sub 1ms save time with a binary format. Where as right now with json it’s like atleast 5ms on the mainthread and than like atleast 15ms asynchronous on another thread to actually generate json and write to disk which can still lag the UI slightly. :sweat:

But yes “type” is an enum 0 is a regular bookmark and 1 is start and 2 is end.
You can also just parse the names that’s what I do when I load the file back into OFS.

[ “tag1”, “tag2”, “tag2_end” ] ← So “tag1” = regular bookmark, “tag2” = start, “tag2_end” = end.
Right now bookmark ranges can not be nested.


@gagax123 So, we could just define a new bookmark tag in the script like metadata that can be used by all apps. I think that could add some extra value to the scripts if you already create them in the editor. Adding them again seems cumbersome to me and I dont think that people will do this except @Slibowitz :roll_eyes:

I like the idea of bookmarks so they should be included in the script. Yes, I could create my own JSON section to save them but I prefer a generic solution so also other apps can use them.


I am using MPC-HC x64, local, no gamepad
Steps to reproduce:
Got 2 files - video and funscript, same filenames
In HandyControl open script from script folder
Upload to the Handy (MPC-HC auto-open at this step)
After successful uploading I press the play button in HandyControl - playback starts and immediately stops
The same behavior with selected “Start script” checkbox
With version 1.0.0 it works OK

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Try this one meanwhile. Have not tested 1.0.1 with Home Cinema

I can reproduce your error if I use MPC-HC :grimacing:
MPC-BE works fine!

Yeah, MPC-BE works like a charm, thanks!

I like that idea! This is valuable in videos that have long breaks in the action, sections where you don’t see the face of the girl, or if you don’t like anal etc. Instead of being forced to randomly skip ahead you can just jump to the next bookmark :slight_smile: It would of course require support by the players.


Fixed and will be in the next version. It also affected MPC-BE a little bit. The videos won’t start anymore after upload depending on your setting. Was a problem with a wrong command description or the MPC command order has changed since then.

Have also tried a few android apps and they also can be used to control MPC and the script. But if you select a new video in the app then the connection to HandyControl gets lost. Happens with all apps that I have tested.

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@gagax123 I send you a proposal and a script to github.

Bug Report


When a script has no more actions, the video will abruptly stop. Any attempts to seek past that point in MPC will not work until HandyControl is closed.

Expected results

The video continues to play until the end. The Handy does nothing.

Steps to reproduce

Play the last few seconds of any script.


HandyControl: 1.0.1 (Tested working as expected in 1.0.0)

MPC-BE: 1.5.6 (Build 6000)

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I will start by saying that I know that this has nothing to do with HandyControl functionality, just curious what transpired here. Early on in my session, I received these errors - I ended up unplugging theHandy, plugging it back in and reconnecting to wifi and that resolved it.


@Lucifie is this a server side error or did I press the buttons one time too many? Its the first time I have ever seen this. Thanks!

@Jupiter I have seen this a few times and this usualy fixes itself. Probably happens if Handy has a red light for a little too long.

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You are absolutely right - I did notice a red light which went away on its own :+1:

Hey, I’ve experiences some inconveniences that are not really the fault of handycontrol, but could maybe be at least partially prevented on this side. Every now and then the input on the controller will not go through to my handy resulting in the according error message. That’s logical, but usually the handy responds again after a second or so, but I lose all controll as soon as that popup opens until I have closed it again which can not be done using the controller. This is pretty annoying and disrupting. Maybe making the popup closeable by a certain controller button or displaying it on top of everything could help?
I hate it when the inputs fail right at climax, I’m really not a fan of full speed stroking through it but there is no choice then :sweat_smile:

Side note: for some reason my trigger buttons have stopped working. I tried different settings but nothing. Will try the new version.

I already changed this for the next version so it retries to send the command on its own after 10 seconds. The control itself can’t react to gamepad inputs yet. I might change this later.

There is a trigger enable setting in the settings.


Yes, I know about the trigger setting and have it activated. It’s a bit strange but I’d guess it’s not a Handycontrol problem.

That’s nice, although 10 seconds is a bit long as I mostly use it to prevent climaxing :sweat_smile: Maybe it would be possible to make the wait time adjustable in the options?

Will be included.



One more thing I just noticed: Not sure if it’s the new update with the player communicating back to handycontrol, but Videos stop as soon as the script ends, regardless of their original playtime, which is a bit unfortunate in my opinion.
Also, dropping a video to handycontrol, then a script and then uploading, Handycontrol froze a couple times for me with the controller vibrating eternally.

This was already reported by @anon12036825 and is fixed.

If you can reproduce it, please send me some more info. Maybe its because of different file locations or weird characters. I have not seen this yet on my side.

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Oh, right, didn’t see that there.

I’ll try to reproduce it next time I can set up the handy, probably next weekend.

Great tool!

I would like to report a minor bug, though. When trying to register a local script host from the button in the settings menu, the command fails with

HandyControl Script Host: Registration aborted or not possible.

when the windows username contains a space (as in my case…). I believe the command is missing quotes around the username. For now I can manually run

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:80/handy/ user="Brother Myristica"

but I would welcome if correct quoting of the username could be included in the next version.

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