I use MFP so and I’ll use single-file multi-axis if scripter posts it
I don’t use MFP so I’m not sure I can use single-file multi-axis
I need single-file multi-axis to fallback to single axis for regular players (yes, it does)
I’d prefer single-file multi-axis to have a separate file extension, like .sr6.funscript of .max.funscript (yes, you can config MFP this way)
I’m going to convert all my library to single-file multi-axis some time if it’s simple enough
I’m a scripter and I’ll try to add single-file multi-axis into my new posts
I’m a scripter and I’ll add single-file multi-axis when it’s popular enough
I’m a scripter and I’ll just keep using multiple files
Recommended topic text template:
myfile.funscript ](upload://s1c2r3i4p5t6.funscript) (80.8 KB)
[details="If your player doesn't support single-file multi-axis"]
If you own a single-axis device like Handy, just get the above file - it will work fine as is in any player.
To use single-file multi-axis you need MultiFunPlayer or other SLR-compatible player.
Alternatively you can download axis files one by one:
[myfile.pitch.funscript|attachment](upload://s1c2r3i4p5t6pitch.funscript) (6.8 KB)
(drop combined funscript and png, remove "|attachment", place image inside the script link at start.)
(then drop in singular scripts and place them into [details])
I like being able to see the scripts lined up, would there be a way to implement them being played along with a video to show synchronicity?
Update: Sorry I just saw it was on funscript.io, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have that capability, but thank you for the tool, its a good way to aggregate scripts for a collection!
Hmm @VladTheImplier what would you think about making something like this built-in?
How do Discourse plugins even work? Would it be better to make some generation on server or just
I guess I’ll make a userscript for now
Does download number bumps when I download a script by script?
I wouldn’t be against a plugin, but I would need to audit the code.
If the plugin can find attachments that contain funscripts and generate heatmaps automatically that would be awesome.
That being said this should have a tickbox that a user would have to tick to enable on a post. Perhaps when a post is made, the user would have to tick the box when they upload a funscript.
It would be cooler if you could make it change the type of heatmap depending on if the script is a paid script so specific movements aren’t visible, but the speed is.
Recommended topic text template:
myfile.funscript ](upload://s1c2r3i4p5t6.funscript) (80.8 KB)
[details="If your player doesn't suport single-file multi-axis"]
Get MultiFunPlayer. Or download all these files:
[myfile.pitch.funscript|attachment](upload://s1c2r3i4p5t6pitch.funscript) (6.8 KB)
(drop combined funscript and png, remove "|attachment", place image inside the script link at start.)
(then drop in singular scripts and place them into [details])
About single-file multi-axis, my only issue is that they weren’t supported by OFS. So if people (or me) want to modify it, it won’t be as straight forward.
Also note that if you want to make multi-axis with single-axis fallback, multi-axis L0 should be called .stroke
And then you may scale down the basic script for Handy with its max speed 400