Hello! Let me introduce myself, and review the funscript software and processes I've used so far

I am a bisexual guy, and I have been figuring out how to use and make funscripts all week. I am new to this, so I thought I would say hello, and kind of review the software I’ve found so far.

My Setup:
I have used Lovense toys in SecondLife for years. I only ever use insertables. I have a Max 2, but I don’t really use it. I like my hand better, for penis stimulation, and the Max is too difficult to remember how to set the vents, and then it’s almost impossible to clean if you don’t pull out fast enough, so I use a condom with it. Insertables are just more fun for me. I have a Hush 1 and 2, an Edge, and I just got a Gravity that I’m only starting to play with. (Hush is a butt plug, the Edge is a prostate stimulator, and the Gravity is a thrusting dildo). I watch VR videos with an Oculus Quest 2, and I sometimes run it without a Link cable, but I usually am running it with a link cable, and the Deo video player. My PC is Windows 10… typical gaming PC, Ryzen 7 2700x, 32Gb RAM, RTX 3060 with 12GB RAM. I don’t game much, but I do use it to play with Stable Diffusion, and make 3D content for SecondLife with Blender, and things like that, when I’m not playing with fun scripts. I connect to my lovense toys with the official Lovense USB dongle. My wifi card kind of has bluetooth, but the power cable to the bluetooth part of the board falls out every time the box gets jostled even a little, so I can’t keep it running. I should get a regular bluetooth dongle at some point.

I have all the official Lovense software. It works great on my phone, to control my toys, let my friends control my toys, and connect to SecondLife. The Tophy app seems under-used and clunky, but it’s an interesting idea.

For SecondLife: Most SecondLife stuff is connected through the LoveBridge system, in SL, which connects to the Connect app on your phone, which connects to the toy. I have never had much of an issue with it, aside from old sessions not dropping, but that seems like a limitation of the Lovense servers. When I do have issues, the Love Bridge discord gives great support.

The Lovense PC software isn’t that great. It always takes 4 or 5 tries to connect to my toy. When it does connect, the Lovense Remote application does what it says it does. It controls the toy. It’s more fun to control it on your phone than to control it with your mouse, but it does what it says it does.

VibeMate is weird. It has no VR features, and I don’t really have a use for all those streamer features. Also, the video flickers hard on me, but they told me on discord that disabling hardware acceleration should fix that. They told me that they are going to put in a feature to let me disable hardware acceleration next week. As far as vibing goes… yeah, you can make patterns on VibeMate, but only on PornHub videos. If PornHub takes the video down, your work is kind of gone. Somebody on discord told me the patterns are actually stored on Lovense servers, so they aren’t gone, but still… you can’t really use them like that, and whoever owns the server probably owns your work, and probably sells it. Also, the tools to create patterns in VibeMate are extremely crude. You can only create or play one pattern line at a time. So if your toy vibes and rotates, it’s going to either vibe or rotate, but not both. To be fair to Lovense, though, VibeMate definitely does play the pattern. I’ve found other players that seem to ignore my pattern (I’ll get to that soon).

So, with these official Lovense options failing me, I went to buttplug.io

I installed Intifice, and MultiFunPlayer, and then it took me a while to learn how it all works. It took me a while to learn that MultiFunPlayer doesn’t let you create funscripts. It plays them. Then there was a big learning curve with that, especially with L0 defaulting to 50% (because everything seems focused on strokers). It feels clunky, but I got used to it, and I kinda like it now that I now how it works. Needs better documentation, though.

Then, after I got my funscript player set up, I wanted to make scripts. I got JoyFunScripter, but I didn’t like it. I am annoyed that it doesn’t play fun scripts for me, though my toy. It only creates scripts. I also didn’t like the interface. So I kept looking…

I found Open Fun Scripter. It took me forever to find the download link for the binaries for it, but when I did, I had all kinds of fun with it. A lot of the reason why it was so much fun was because of Husky’s amazing documentation. I’ve been hunting and pecking around with most of this stuff, so to have everything laid out for me clearly, like Husky did, was a big breakthrough for me.

I’m still annoyed that Open Fun Scripter doesn’t play funscripts, only lets me make them, but I’m still having fun with it. It’s my scripting tool now.

I mentioned earlier that MultiFunPlayer seemed clunky. That’s why I tried Script Player. When I first used it, I thought it was great, because it’s so simple, and it’s got a great interface. Then I tried the funscripts I made in OFS, and it didn’t seem to follow my pattern very well. I tried inverting my pattern, to see if maybe it was reading it upside down, but no. It was just doing it’s own thing. I don’t know how to fix that. I do know that MultiFunPlayer does read my scripts correctly, and it runs them through Deo and any video player I want. So I just uninstalled Script Player, and I don’t plan to use it, unless it improves in the future.

One thing to keep in mind, when I review these tools:

Most of the videos I work with are Female Point Of View (FPOV). I know it’s uncommon, but it’s my favorite format. I also use internal vibrators, not automated pocket pussies like the Handy. This means I have almost no use for fun script automation, that is made for a 3rd person point of view, or a male point of view, where you can clearly see penetration, and use that to control the depth that the toy takes your cock. In FPOV, a man or a woman with a strap on is between your legs, thrusting, and you can’t see the penetration. The motion isn’t something that the current tools pick up. So all my scripts so far are hand made. No automation. The intensity is controlled more by the intensity of the scene. That can mean the speed or power of the thrusting, or it can be how loud the moaning is, or how much they are spanking me. It’s very subjective.

So that’s my current setup. To review: On my PC, I use an internal Lovense vibing toy, then connect that to the official Lovense USB dongle, which connects to Intifice, which connects to MultiFunPlayer, which connects to MPC-HC or Deo, if I’m using my headset. I create scripts with OFS, which connects to nothing.

While I was figuring all this out, I was also learning to edit 3D VR video in Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere is actually a lot of fun to play with. It can work with multiple formats, like you can edit top/bottom together with side by side (SBS) formats, and then output it all in SBS to play on the Quest. I plan to make my own compilation videos with this, then make fun scripts to go along with them. Cutting compilations in VR is tricky. It’s easy to cut so fast you induce nausea, so there’s a lot of trial and error to it. I’m also new to Premiere, but I’m getting fairly decent at using it. If anybody has any questions about it, let me know.

In an ideal world, I think somebody would make a funscript editor plugin for Premiere, and either distribute it or sell it on the Adobe Marketplace.

I’m glad I found this community. Thanks for all the help you’ve given me so far. At some point, I’ll post some of my scripts for you.


Thanks for the perspective on things.

Lovense software for their toys can be frustrating to use, and their software is often pure crap. They’re very much more focused on their mobile phone apps over their PC or Mac versions. Their tool to write and play back scripts to coincide with videos is absolutely crap. A common defect in their software design is that there’s no way to edit a pattern, just create a new one via the mobile phone app and rub your fingertips on the screen and hope for the best.

All of the Lovense software requires the Lovense PC USB Bluetooth dongle, other software works fine (or better) with a regular bluetooth connection to the device.

There’s some software that can find your phone’s Lovense app on wifi and control the toy through that. Seems like an even bigger Rube Goldberg device.

I used intiface / buttplug.io and ran into the same problem with the Edge that you did. I just saw your exchange with Yoooi for a solution, and I’m about to try it myself.

That being said, I’ve used ffmpeg to extract the audio of PMV files to a separate .mp3, imported those into the Lovense Remote program, and manually sync it to a video file. (usually I’ll give the video player a 10 second head start, pause it, switch to the Lovense remote, start the audio, and resume the video when the audio is 10 seconds in.)

FWIW: Karryn’s Prison is a decent Lovense enabled game, available through Steam. A major drawback is that Steam loves to tell everyone you know what you’re playing. Steam doesn’t have the sense to realize that you may not want to share every intimate detail of your life with the whole planet, so I made another account to use with ‘adult’ software.

I refuse to give Meta money, so I was looking at other VR headset providers instead of the Oculus. I purchased a Vive Pro Focus Plus, and it’s a huge disappointment. The whole thing revolves around getting you to sign up for monthly access, and will not work for playback from the PC, at least not without signing up for one of their premium “services”, so it’s back in a box in the closet.

I did run into some scenarios where .funscript files made or modified by other aps would hang OFS when I went back to re-edit them.

Questions for you:
What FPOV movies are you interested in? I don’t see very many of them, but I’d be happy to try my hand at writing a script for you. Are you interested in PMV, where it’s less the action than the music’s intensity or beat that drives the toy?

Regarding VR, I get SBS, (left eye, right eye), but how does top/bottom render?
Do you know of a player that will de-fisheye the video and show only the left (or right) side?

Just on the query there about a player to ‘de-fisheye’ VR videos, I use potplayer when I dont have the time/inclination to get out the Oculus rift. It renders the 3d video into a regular 2d player window (think vlc), but allows you to drag the the view around with your mouse. Could be worth a look there

I prefer Daum Potplayer over Media Player Classic, but apparently there’s not an api hook for MultiFunPlayer to work with, so MPC it is when I want to sync the OSR2 or a Lovense toy to a .funscript file and a video.