Help a noob out with Quest 2 + Fleshlight Launch

  • I have a PC with lots of local VR video files.
  • I have a Quest 2.
  • I have a Fleshlight Launch. (I’ll get a Handy in the distant future.)
  • I don’t want to install SLR on my Quest.
  • I don’t want to buy a subscription to SLR
  • I’m using SkyBoxVR and DeoVR at the moment

I’m looking for some high-level guidance of the what I need to do to start using funscripts with my local videos. Some links to what I should be reading would be greatly appreciated as I’m having a hard time finding info that fits my needs.

The last time I used my launch with funscripts (early 2021) was with a Rift CV1. I think I needed to install SLR on a mobile device. Somehow that synced with my Launch, computer, and Rift (I think?). I think I was using Whirligig at the time.Things have evolved and I’m not sure where to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I would suggest trying Heresphere as a player.

That’s the guide I follow every time I reformat my computer. I’m using script player, and if you do, you want v1.2.0. The latest version seems to have dropped launch support.



Thanks for the suggestion! I got Heresphere up and running with my Launch. There were a lot of hurdles as it was hard to find the correct info for may particular setup.

For anyone that has this or very similar setup, this is the order of operations that I found to get it mostly working.

  1. Install Intiface Central on PC. This connects Launch to PC, and will send movement instructions to Launch. Connecting to Devices and Applications.. Note, Intiface is not required if using Script Player v1.2.0 as it can connect with the Launch natively.

  2. Install Script Player on PC. This plays funscript files and sends instructions to Launch (via Intiface). Script Player will also send back-forth timestamps with whatever video player is being used. You can progress the video/script either in Script Player OR your other video player.

  3. Script Player → Devices → Buttpulg / Intiface → Connect
    Take note of the Intiface Server Address to connect correctly. Note, if using v1.2.0, you can connect directly to the Launch.

  4. Install Heresphere or Heresphere Demo on Quest 2. I believe the demo has full functionality, but has a pop-up every once in a while suggesting to get the full version.

  5. Heresphere Instructions. This link will show you how to (1) set up SMB on your PC, (2) access your the files (via SMB) within Heresphere, (3) set up timestamp server address info within Heresphere, (4) Add Heresphere timestamp server address into Script Player, (5) Script Player → Video Player → Heresphere

  6. Done! The direction of data sent to/from:
    Launch ← Intiface ← Script Player ↔ Heresphere

Notes (Help Pls):

  • I don’t know why but Heresphere is NOT finding the funscript file (I know Heresphere doesn’t play those files). I know that the files names (excluding extension) have to be exactly the same and in the same directory; using VLC+Script Player, it’ll find the corresponding funscript file automatically. I’ve tried adding the scripts to an Interactive folder in the Quest 2 root directory, but no luck. A janky workaround is to play the video in Heresphere and “play” the script in Script Player. They’ll still talk to each other to sync up the motion at the correct timestamp…but you’ll need to do this for every file you select. :frowning_face:

  • This could be a Launch thing, but might also be because it’s such a long connection path from Heresphere to Launch. (1) The Launch disconnects from Intiface semi-frequently, and you have to wait for it to re-pair mid video. :sob: Doesn’t happen when I’m using VLC oddly enough… (2) When watching the Script Player heat map, it feels like the Launch isn’t syncing that well with the scripts. Sometimes it seems like it’s buffering the movements and it skips small parts of the instructions and so it feels “jittery”. And other times, it feels like the Launch just can’t keep up with the speed of the scripts. It’s likely a combination of both things.

What’s the reason for using intiface when scriptplayer will do all the work? Seems like an additional hurdle and from the sounds of it, might be causing issues? The reason I use scriptplayer over other options is that I’ve found it to be the smoothest.

One thing I found, it depends on where Heresphere is running whether it reads scripts in the same folder as the video, or in a separate folder.
If I run heresphere on the quest then I have the scripts saved in C:/Interactive. If I run it on the PC and use Link, then they run off the same folder as the videos.

Oh also, I would recommend this guide, if you haven’t done it already: Play "Handy" scripts on a Fleshlight Launch
Makes the Launch much better IMO.

The reason for using Intiface was because the latest Script Player didn’t support the Launch anymore. I guess I should try the older version (v1.2.0) as you suggested as it’s support the Launch natively. I’ll give that a go. The interesting thing is that the disconnect issues don’t happen when using with VLC though.

I’m running Heresphere on the Quest 2. My scripts are all in the same directory as the video files I’m playing, with the exact same name. When this wasn’t working, I read a suggestion that I should put the scripts in the “Interactive” folder in the Quest root directory, and that didn’t work either (didn’t think it would). Is there a Script Player setting that tell it to look in your “C:/Interactive” directory vs just in the same folder? When playing files via VLC, it functions as expected and just finds the script in the same folder as the video.

I did come across the link about using Ignition+Liftoff but didn’t spend too much time on it because of the possibility of bricking my launch, disabling manual controls, as well as I was only looking for how to get the Launch just up and running at that time. Now that I’m further along, I give it a closer look. I do like the option of still using the manual controls though…especially if the BT module on the Launch has longevity issues. I’ve give this a shot to see if it improves the usage quality and responsiveness.

The setting would be in Heresphere, not scriptplayer.

The last field that current says “/storage/emulated/0/Interactive”. Change that to where your scripts are, in my case “c:/interactive”


Thanks, this did the trick for it to find the correct scripts!

I tried cutting out Intiface and downgrading the script player version so it can connect with the Launch directly. This unfortunately didn’t solve the frequent disconnects issue. If other people’s Launches (like yours) are working fine, then I think I may just have a bad Bluetooth module. If I’m more than 4ft away from my computer, it just flat out won’t connect. Ultimately, this just moves up my timeline for getting a Handy.

Ah that’s a shame. I’ve never had many issues with the Bluetooth on my launch. On occasion it’s acted up but restarts have resolved the issue. I do have my dongle in a USB extension, so it’s usually fairly close.

I did just have to replace the charger on mine though, so looking at other options. Ordered the SR1 2.0 but it seems to be stuck in customs, so might have to try something else.

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