How to use scripts in VR - picture guide (Heresphere / Whirligig)


This guide is mentioned for all the people who want to use scripts with their VR setups. However, you can use Heresphere and Whirligig without VR headset on your PC as well.

Descripted methods don’t require any account creation beside the ones used for headsets to operate. Step by step, picture after picture for even the most refractory people :slight_smile:

If you are looking for a guide to connect your toy to SLR app / DeoVR check this thread instead.

For the list of free VR scripts that you can use with methods below check this topic.

Heresphere setup

You can get the full, paid version of the HereSphere here: Quest 2 | Steam.

You can also use completely functional, free demo if you can’t afford it: Quest 2 | Steam

Quest 2 with the Handy

  1. Start with sideloading the HereSphere to you Quest. Here is a youtube video that shows how to do it.

  2. Place your scripts and videos in the same folder on your Quest 2. Make sure that both files have the same name:

  3. Open HereSphere and go to the “User Settings” as shown below:

    In new version of Heresphere the menu is hidden in the movie toolbar:

  4. Type your Handy connection key and use the toggle to make it connected. You should see “Connected” message:

  5. Open the video with a script. You should be able to enjoy your scripts now :slight_smile:

  6. (Optional) You can also use this method with any media sharing platform you own (SMB / XBVR). Check the “Quest 2 with any device over Wi-Fi” method for SMB setup instructions.

Quest 2 with any device over Wi-Fi

  1. This method requires a PC with Windows to work. You can connect your Launch, Keon, Handy, OSR or any device supported by buttplug this way wirelessly to your Quest 2 (see supported devices here). This method is for advanced users only.

  2. Start with sideloading the HereSphere to you Quest. Here is a youtube video that shows how to do it.

  3. Place your scripts and videos in the same folder on your PC. Make sure that both files have the same name.

  4. Setup the SMB server. As alternative you can use XBVR server, but due to my limited knowledge I will only explain the SMB setup as I know it 100% works with Quest 2. If you are XBVR user you can check their discord for help and instructions.

    4.1. Follow the instructions in the picture below. Open the image in the new tab for better quality:

    4.2. Open HereSphere on your Quest 2 while your PC is running and go to “SMB Network Shares”:

    4.3. Put your windows credentials and IP from the step (4.1):

    4.4. If everything works you should be able to see your shared folder. Note that you will only be able to see the video files. Use the favourite button to save the SMB path for future usage:

  5. Open HereSphere and go to the “User Settings” as shown below:

  6. Toggle the timestamp server and type the IP address you want to use on your network:

  7. Install Scriptplayer or MultiFunPlayer. For Scriptplayer follow step (8), for MultiFunPlayer follow step (9).

  8. Scriptplayer instructions:

    8.1. Go to Scriptplayer’s settings and under “Player” in the “DeoVR” tab type the IP address and Port from step (6):

    8.2. Close the settings. Under “Video Player” tab select “DeoVR”. If everything worked you should see a connected message on screen. If you don’t see it you might want to switch between video players in Scriptplayer a few times or toggle the timestamp server button in Heresphere (see step 6). If you still encounter issues check the IP address or your firewall settings.

    8.3. Connect your device to Scriptplayer. For instructions refer to Scriptplayer’s github wiki and this topic.

    8.4. Open the video in HereSphere and enjoy your scripts :slight_smile: Make sure that each time you use Heresphere on your Quest you have Scriptplayer opened with “DeoVR Connected” message.

  9. MultiFunPlayer instructions:

    9.1. Start by adding Heresphere as a player of your choice:

    9.2. Expand the menu and type the IP address and Port from step (6). Press the :arrow_forward: button to connect to HereSphere:

    9.3. You should see the green “Connected” message under Heresphere now. Add your stroker device. For further help and instructions please refer to the Dev’s topic:

    9.4. Open the video in HereSphere and enjoy your scripts :slight_smile:

Any VR headset connected to the PC via cable

  1. Install HereSphere on your PC. Steam version here: Paid version | Free demo

  2. Open HereSphere and go to the “User Settings” as shown below:

  3. Toggle the timestamp server and type the IP address you want to use on your network:

  4. Install Scriptplayer or MultiFunPlayer. For Scriptplayer follow step (5), for MultiFunPlayer follow step (6).

  5. Scriptplayer instructions:

    5.1. Go to Scriptplayer’s settings and under “Player” in the “DeoVR” tab type the IP address and Port from step (6):

    5.2. Close the settings. Under “Video Player” tab select “DeoVR”. If everything worked you should see a connected message on screen. If you don’t see it you might want to switch between video players in Scriptplayer a few times or toggle the timestamp server button in Heresphere (see step 6). If you still encounter issues check the IP address or your firewall settings.

    5.3. Connect your device to Scriptplayer. For instructions refer to Scriptplayer’s github wiki and this topic.

    5.4. Open the video in HereSphere and enjoy your scripts :slight_smile: Make sure that each time you use Heresphere on your Quest you have Scriptplayer opened with “DeoVR Connected” message.

  6. MultiFunPlayer instructions:

    6.1. Start by adding Heresphere as a player of your choice:

    6.2. Expand the menu and type the IP address and Port from step (6). Press the :arrow_forward: button to connect to HereSphere:

    6.3. You should see the green “Connected” message under Heresphere now. Add your stroker device. For further help and instructions please refer to the Dev’s topic:

    6.4. Open the video in HereSphere and enjoy your scripts :slight_smile:

I don’t have a VR headset

That’s not a problem at all! You can use HereSphere without VR headset. Just follow the same instructions as for the VR headsets connected via cable. Once you open HereSphere on Steam you should be able to move around with your mouse. Just make sure that you have graphics card that allows you to play VR videos.

Whirligig setup

  1. This method only works for headsets connected directly to the PC.

  2. Install Whirligig on your PC. You can find different purchase options on their official page here.

  3. Open Whirligig and enable “TimeCode Server” under “Playback” settings:

  4. Install Scriptplayer or MultiFunPlayer. For Scriptplayer follow step (5), for MultiFunPlayer follow step (6).

  5. Scriptplayer instructions:

    5.1. Open Scriptplayer. Under “Video Player” tab select “Whirligig”. You should see a connected message on screen. If you don’t see it you might want to switch between video players in Scriptplayer a few times. If you still encounter issues check your firewall settings.

    5.2. Connect your device to Scriptplayer. For instructions refer to Scriptplayer’s github wiki and this topic.

    5.4. Open the video in Whirligig and enjoy your scripts :slight_smile:

  6. MultiFunPlayer instructions:

    6.1. Start by adding Whirligig as a player of your choice and press the :arrow_forward: button to connect to Whirlgig. You should see the green “Connected” message. :

    6.2. Add your stroker device. For further help and instructions please refer to the Dev’s topic:

    6.3. Open the video in Whirligig and enjoy your scripts :slight_smile:

why am i able to edit this *says security guy


thanks for writing this. Do you want to enable the table of contents for easier navigation?

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Yeah, it took me a while to write this and I forgot to add it. Thanks for the reminder


Quick question, I downloaded the script and video and put them both in the interactive folder on my quest 2 but when I open local files I only see the video no script

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That’s because you can’t see funscript files in local browser, only videos. As long as the name of the funscript and the video is the same and they are in the same folder it should automatically load the script without problems.

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Appreciate the help I got it working now

Will the same method work on apple computers

I’m not really familiar with mac. What headset and device do you have?

Hi. I dont have a device yet. I’m looking at purchasing the Kiiroo Keon. Also that brings me to my next question. Is it a must to have a VR headset to use the interactive and connected features of the toys and scripts or will they work without the headset as well. Is the headset only needed for VR vids. And of I only synced without the headset it will just sync the strokes to the on screen action. Hope this makes sense.

Every script will be working with or without the headset, you can even use scripts without the videos, but for VR it’s recommended to have one. VR videos are similar to the flat videos, but you can look around for better immersion, kinda like Google Street View.

I know you can use Whirlgig with mouse to watch VR videos on Windows PC/laptop without the headset but the image will be a little distorted. I don’t think there is a way to watch VR videos on Mac without the headset but maybe there was someone with similar question earlier, you can try checking in the Help section.

I would look here to see how to connect Keon to your Mac:

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Sorry if this should be obvious. Are there any demo clips with scripts that I can use to just try this out and see if it’s all working? Obviously I can test using the videos at HandyFeeling but those don’t need me to add a script and connect direct to the Handy instead. I’d like to explore scripting but could use something to try just to see if I’ve got things working with my Oculus Quest and DeoVR.

There are 4 free interactive videos from CzechVR. You need to click on the small handy button on the left side of the download banner. After it opens right click and “save as”. For some reason it wanted to save it as ".txt " file in my case so just change the extension to “.funscript” and it should work:

And there is one free scene on SLR with a script afaik. You need to create free account to download the video:

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Thanks. I discovered the recordings and scripts for the Handy MultiControl sessions and am trying to test that out, but I can’t get them to work using DLNA (Plex) in DeoVR. I have checked all the instructions at Interactive Sex Toy Scripts Complete Help Guide (Kiiroo,Vorze,Handy,Lovense)) - SLR community forum for the best VR porn videos and everything is fine as far as I can tell - I already had “Other” as my library type and the filenames are identical on both the script and video file except for the extensions of course. But the script just never plays. Handy is synced and works within DeoVR at HandyFeeling just fine. But I can’t get it to work over DLNA.

Appreciate any tips anyone has! :smiley:

Hey Husky, sorry to bother you but I’m having an issue with ‘Using ScriptPlayer with DeoVR / Whirlgig (for Launch, Keon etc.)’.
I am using Keon, Quest 2 and DeoVR and after enabling remote control like instructed, ScriptPlayer states:
Not connected.
Open settings menu in selection scene or file browser. Toggle switch ‘Enable remote control’.
I have restarted my computer, opened each program in order, and also allowed ScriptPlayer to be allowed past the firewall.
All ScriptPlayer setting are default from installation.
Any suggestions on what can be done as I have been trying to solve this for days now with no resolve. Thanks.


I used to have this problem and from what I remember it was connected to Windows Firewall. I think you need to open either 9943 or 9944 port in Firewall settings for both Whirlgig and Scriptplayer, but I am not sure, it was long time ago. Maybe try disabling Firewall for a minute and see if it connects?

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Hi, it wont play in my headset, despite remote control being turned on and everything all linkjed up…any ideas why?


You should give a bit more information so that people can try to help.
Which VR headset do you use?
How do you connect the VR headset?
Do you stream directly from SLR, play local files on your computer/headset or use a DLNA server and stream from that?
Is it the video you have problem playing?
Is it the script that won’t load?

For the last one, the most common issue is that the video and the script isn’t named exactly the same (with the exception of the file extension).

sorry. So im using a quest 2 via Airlink on PC (1080ti) with The Handy. I have Scriptplayer connected to DEOVR, which has been configured to accept remote control. As per the instructions at the start of this thread I left DEOVR on whilst I requested Scriptplayer to use DEOVR, whcih it detected fine (screen shot above confirming this). The Handy is Synched (as per image above), but when I drop a video and script in script player (locally) it is not sending the video to play in DEOVR and the handy does not play the script. Script and video and named correctly, I went through all that already. Basically DEOVR is not receiving instuctions from Scriptplayer to play the video/script since it doesn launch the video

Also, ive just tried to connect The Handy to regular online mode for SLR (not local and via Airlink - i also tried via native Quest 2) and although The SLR/DEOVR app says it recognises The Handy and has sent the scripts, The Handy does not play the script. I have tried using Funscript to check if the connection is working and it does - the funscript website operates The Handy fine

Lots of good information there. I hope someone who owns a Quest 2 can help you. I use HTC Vive so unfortunately I can’t help you with this. Too many unknown variables :frowning:

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