Help! I need suggestions for both intense and very slow scripts for device testing (parts with > 550 units/s or < 30 units/s)

Update: Anyone got any VR recommendations?

Hey all, I’m looking for some script recommendations to help test different devices and hopefully push progress for future device development (as well as determine the limits of existing devices). Think DIY stuff like OSR2+, SR6, SSR1, devices that can operate both faster and slower than something like TheHandy.

If you have any suggested scripts for the following it would be very helpful for further device advancement:

  • intense action-based scripts (edit: parts with 550+ units/second)
  • slow action-based scripts (edit: parts with < 30 units/second)

For at least the action-based scripts, I’m looking for realism, so exaggerated scripts that just go 0-100 due to limitations of devices like TheHandy might make cool datapoints but aren’t ideal.

VR and non-VR suggestions would be great if you’ve got 'em.

I did run all my funscripts through @defucilis’s awesome website, which ranks scripts based on overall speed, but I thought crowd-sourcing might give some great suggestions as well (and most of my content is VR).

The List So Far


  • None


Edit: since I plan to show a side-by-side between device and video, I think action-based scripts are far better for my purpose than PMV scripts.


So far I’ve got this one, which seems pretty intense:

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if you want intense I suggest you look at almost anything by Ahe:

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Bro, this has some ridiculously fast stuff. Got anything else that is intense? Can be less-so, still with parts pushing 600+ units/second would be great.

This could help for fast PMVs, thanks. Edit: I don’t think PMVs will be very helpful form my purposes as I need to show the device syncing to the video and that doesn’t get conveyed well with a PMV. Any change you have any slow or fast action-based recs?

oh i see, unfortunately i don’t enjoy action based scripts that much.

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No worries. PMVs are fantastic in their own right, they just don’t work as well when trying to display a device synced to video. Appreciate your help.

Any of the Klixen Scenes should be on the slower end of things

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removed by author, I thought you were looking for multi-axis scripts to test…

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Always looking for good multi-axis scripts!!! Intense recs for any of yours? Slow recs?

I thought of this, any specifics that would stall The Handy?

not sure if you have read this. gives actual data on the stall timings and stuff, SCIENCE! haha The Handy working at slow speeds - a scientific video study

Thanks, I am aware. I’m looking for scripts that have parts that operate either slower or faster than what The Handy can accommodate. Generally, this means I want scripts that have sections that are either slower than 30 units/second or faster than, 500 units/second.

Unfortunately, I dumbed most of my own created multi-axis scripts down to allow for The Handy to work. Wish I’d saved the original (faster) scripts before crippling the range or limiting the speeds.

Maybe I should be asking if anyone has any scripts that constantly stutter on them–or have stroke lengths shortened–while using The Handy?
check this out, some fast shit here

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Will do, thanks!

do you mind sharing what you are brewing? i’m really into slow script stuff so i’ll go through my archives and find some for you. i have the keon which stalls WAY sooner than the handy it’s awful. currently 3D printing an SSR1 as we speak :slight_smile:

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I’m tweaking SSR1 and some SR6 designs and sleeves to try and make orientation matter (think tongue position on a tongue sleeve, or with a hip with some meat to it rotating the sleeve 180 degrees for doggy/reverse cowgirl when the actress is turned away from you, etc). I’d like to ensure that the device can operate fast and slow enough even with ~1kg sleeve/load.

Whatever you can find would be fantastic.

ooo nice keep me in the loop that sounds good. i’ve found the angle really makes a massive difference when the device is locked to a position. i have a dual elbow articulating arm that is rock solid so i find i’m always moving it around going back and forth between different angles.

average speed of 34

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Most of my scripts are slow but I adapt them to the Handy device limitations.

This is the slowest script I’ve found here, definitely below the limits at many points:

Thanks, I actually found this one after doing a search and it is my current contender for slowest script. I’ll add it to the list. Appreciate your help.

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