Heresphere and SR1

So Quick run down of my set up. Quest 2 with DeoVr and SR6/SR1. The other setup is Quest 2 with Heresphere and handy. Now the problem I have is that i want to connect my SR1 to Heresphere but I am unable to. With the handy i notice the script loads in the run time at the bottom, but when i do not have the handy synced there is no script loaded. I converted my SR1 (serial device) to be wifi compatible but i do not know what i am missing. Hoping someone can help me out.

Lastly the reason i want to try this setup is because the SR1 better IMO and because I prefer heresphere over DeoVr.

Connect with HS and T-Code devices by Multifunplayer.

So i can connect my SR1 to MFP but i still have problems connecting to heresphere. It just says disconnected after several attempts to connect. I set the end point to the ip address of my quest 2.

There is a howto on this site that is how I did it. You should be able to follow the tutorial also.

Still can’t get heresphere to connect. Does it matter if Im using the steam version of here or do I have to purchase it through the quest. The part I’m having problems with is finding the SMB. I log into heresphere but it doesn’t appear and I turned it on through windows.

MFP should connect to HS you must enable the server in user sttings in HS.

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GAAAHHHH. I finally got it to work. The issue i had the whole time was just a missing number on the endpoint of heresphere. Thanks @roa i wouldnt have looked back at it if it wasn’t for your comment.

Just stood by, well done. Have fun.

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