How can we make this community more welcoming to new scripters?

Yes, that worked, I can finally see actual posts in some categories, thank you. Although I would rather see it as something that get automatically unpinned after reading or some FAQ about how to that, because it’s really not that obvious.

Considering that only your tutorials contains affiliate links AFAIK I think you should at least make it clear. You never know what numbers at the end of the disguised link means - it can be just affiliate link, it can be malware, it can start downloading something you don’t want to download.

I prefer to not loose those pins just because I read them once. If it is a collection of large topics you will probably return. A single pinned topic in each section should be not a problem if it uses a short title.

I think that search and bookmarking could fill that role though.

Thats great to hear - thanks for confirming it helped. I’ve moved and unpin some pins to clear things up a bit more, will look into organizing things better in the near future
Sorry again for not checking how things look on mobile, but makes alot of sense how you explain it and should hopefully alleviate things a bit better now

That makes sense too - I never thought about people worrying that those links could be misdirected malware links - never crossed my mind tbh but that happens out there on the internet you’re right -
Will point that out, I appreciate the helpful suggestion

Can this thread be renamed “solutions looking for problems”?


Yesterday I’ve read here a post by @Weavols. Of course it got hidden and then deleted, because he had his own opinion on the topic of “perfectly matching scripts”. Maybe he should’t quote parts of DMs, but I don’t think it should be a reason to censor his post.

I will share my point of view based on what I read. I will make it as anonymous as it can get. If you want to hide this reply, go ahead, whatever.

So in the recent post @Weavols shared that he was corresponding about how to improve his scripts with one of the vendors on SLR. In the messages he got suggested to change part of his script, but the suggestion was ambiguous. It was more of a loose guideline where to improve his script, but he could do it in multiple ways, which would result in different feelings of the script. Of course it’s hard to tell which version would be “perfect” based on this suggestion.

Now to add something from me - yes the maximum theoretical speed of most interactive sex toys is 400mm/s, but the stroke lenght across those devices can vary. This means that every stroke that exceeds 400mm/s will feel the same on all those devices, but if the speed doesn’t exceed this limit the strokes will feel different.

Launch has stroke lenght of about 3 inches and Handy has stroke lenght of about 4.5 inches. On the Launch the stroke that has 300mm/s in JFS will indeed have this speed, but on the Handy the speed will reach the maximum of 400mm/s. This proves that unless you provide multiple version of the scripts for all avaliable devices the script will feel different on them. Of course you can say that you can use buttons on the Handy to reduce the strokes to 3 inches, but then is the script “perfect” afterwards? My view on the scripting was always to create the version that you don’t have to adjust after initial setup.

If you are a scripter who feels insecure about your script because it won’t be “perfect”, don’t be. As long as you enjoyed it the script is perfect for you and that what is important. If others don’t feel that way, their loss.

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@Husky - the post was flagged and deleted for several reasons - none of which are to do with opinions on script techniques whatsoever

Its pretty condescending of you to say = “Of course it got hidden and then deleted, because he had his own opinion on the topic of “perfectly matching scripts” and " If you want to hide this reply, go ahead, whatever."

Posting private conversations is not cool, and Im glad you at least recognize that.
Unsurprisingly he failed to share any other posts for context so you are chiming in on a conversation in which you have no full context - but you still had to say something like you know the whole story?

The main reason his post removed was because he continued to accuse, and aggressively attack me and basically continue his abusive behaviour from another thread.

Enough is enough

Do you really think all the words in his post were fair to say about me?

@Husky - You of all people should know, unlike Realsync, there is no current vendor distinction on SLR - you admitted yourself quality control is important, so now its not??

Should we throw out consistency out the window - Let any brand new scripter’s first time scripts uploaded without any improvements onto SLR, so you can cross your fingers it will be good for your money?
How will that look on me, and how will that benefit customers?

My ‘loose guideline’ recommendation was me trying to be nice and hearing him out, and giving him flexibility, like a good manager does.
If you read it proper, the ’ multiple ways’ was only a matter of differences in depth, and any other methods can only be done depending on the next stroke sequencw and where the action began in the first place - and I clarified all that (so no, it wasnt an ‘ambiguous’ recommendation)
Being an advanced scripter you should know that - Do you really expect first time scripters to know that or everything you’ve learned to date scripting?

Regardless, this was still a private commercial discussion outside of ES

Why are you even focusing on this in the first place?

If you disagreed with a moderator action, why din’t you reach out to @hugecat or any other @moderators first to get the truth or at least complain there?

How can you not see how hypocritical and how toxic this individual and his posts have been?

This was a scripter who wanted to join commercial scripting, didnt want to ultimately join, and should now remain a community free scripter - Is that not good for the community?
No one forced him to try to join. Why wasn’t that the end of it?

How is it good for the forum to allow him to keep talking disrepectfully like he has? What would make this place any different than RTS?

I gave him my time to try to help him out. I dont know about you but I greatly value my time, and none of us are going to live forever, so every hour counts, at least to me it does

Seriously replying to these posts are way too much a drain of my life

Some of us honestly live too much of our lives on the internet, and at the end of the day, for what?
We all need to really get outside more or look at whats really important in life, at least thats what I’m going to try to do

As of today, I am definitely stepping down as moderator - its not worth the waste of my life replying to trivial actions and needing to deal with defending myself

I expect this forum to continue to uphold all ethical and legal guidelines without me helping to moderate it - thanks for taking care of this forum @moderators

Now you are taking my reply out of context. I focused on the part of the message about perfect scripts, because there are people here who feel insecure about sharing their scripts, because they don’t think their work is perfect enough.

I wrote that I don’t agree with sharing parts of your conversation, but I can see why he did that as this is something that I did when you hidden my script once. Don’t understand why you always play a victim card, because you were taking advantage of your position here to defend your point of view. And hiding and deleting the posts/replies here is not that apparent and you can easily miss it resulting in inability to defend your statements.

As you wrote there are always two sides of the story and as always everyone have their point of view.

Edit: I know he is really offensive towards you, but jealousy is very powrful thing and fighting it with fire can give much worse effects. I know he took lots of your precious time and gave you false signals about joining slr and I don’t approve it. Tbh a good tutorial is what’s needed for people who start scripting to show them the right way of doing it. This way you can just point at the parts of the tutorial and say: “hey, this part right here could be done like this part in the tutorial”. You don’t have to make it public, but maybe it would save you some time.

Thanks for the edit reply @Husky

Paid scripts should always be held to a higher standard than to free scripts - not the other way around

I’ve found one on one help is the most effective way to train - that said I still have things in place for the usual questions
This is the first time I’ve encountered this behaviour - most guys are appreciative and happy to learn what I can show them, and again I can only put up with so much.

Either way, me no longer being moderator should help avoid conflicts of interest and hopefully resolve issues like this going forward

Edible arrangements

A suggestion I haven’t found yet.

I found this site because I just ordered The Handy, and I want to find out what’s available. I might try scripting. I bought my first PC in 1976, and wrote a lot of business and scientific software in the days before windows.

But this is all very new to me.

Maybe an introduction to the page, with an overview of the kinds of resources available here for a beginner.

In any case, thanks for making this available.


there’s this About EroScripts [NEW USERS START HERE]

let me know if this is what you’re looking for and if it just wasn’t easy to find

That looks helpful.

Maybe pin a thread with a topic like “Beginners START HERE” up top, or send the link to people right after they sign up.

Again, thanks for having this site.

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Thought I would share my view as an occasional scripter. I know I was in a similar position last year on the RTS forum and guides for beginners were not easily found.

I find I always assume people have the same level of knowledge as me going in which can make me assume the answers to questions are obvious just because I now know them. A beginners thread would be helpful I think especially to help people get started with the basics of playing scripts.


I would also like to briefly write my opinion on this here.
I’ve been here regularly as a scripter for a few weeks now, and looking back, I’m a little annoyed that I only managed to find my way here so late.
But let’s start at the beginning: I bought “TheHandy” 1-2 months ago and came across eroscripts by chance. But since not much is really visible as an unregistered user, I closed the tab again and looked elsewhere. It wasn’t until weeks later that I found the site again and set up an account. I understand that there is a reason for that “Gate” and the need to have the User register a account. A small suggestion: could a kind of “best off” or better still “random script” be published in the public sector? Simply a post in which 3-5 randomly selected scripts that have been well received by the community are also shown to unregistered users. On other websites something like this is known as “featured content”. This way new Users would be drawn in and see “oh, this is user created? Screw it, I like that, lets create an account.”
The tutorials for creating scripts helped me a lot. nevertheless it was a pain to start scripting. After I published my first script here, not much happened. No criticism, nothing. Therefore I decided to write to some users who had given my script a like. I have not received an answer from most of them to this day. (That’s a big problem I have had with this community since then regularly. I write PM and get no answers). Fortunately, I didn’t let that get me down and carried on. Now, I see scripting almost as something relaxing, almost meditative. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The note in the template on how to get a download counter was only recently added and is VERY important to me. That way I get at least a little feedback on how my work is being used. Particularly exciting are videos in which I have created different scripts for the same video. It’s interesting to see, what script is downloaded more (it is almost always the first linked version. even if this is inferior in some way, (RAW version, only toy movements and no hand, …) :face_with_monocle:). But back to the question of how to make the community friendlier to new scripters: scripting takes a lot of time. I think almost all of us know that. It’s a shame that so many really only consume, but don’t even manage to press the Like button, let alone write a comment. Some kind of “reviewer” or “mentor” for new scripters might be useful. I know that is a lot of work, but I think it would have helped me a lot in the beginning if I had got a little “yup, very good. Here’s what you can do better: …” from someone who obviously knows what he is talking about. Unfortunately I don’t have a real approach on how to realise this, but I just wanted to throw my experience into the ether.


From the perspective of a hardware provider, I hope more users become new authors. My idea is that if the community can address some of the following questions, it might be effective:

  1. Why do they want to write scripts?
  2. How can we provide them with more positive feedback?

Regarding the first question, I think many authors start out purely out of interest. They have good content and want to share it with everyone, but this reason alone is often not enough to keep most users consistently engaged.
For the second question, my idea is that providing authors with more rewards would be beneficial. For example, by reducing the difficulty of writing scripts, increasing the rewards for scriptwriting, and guiding new authors to create scripts for videos that users want to see, authors could receive continuous motivation throughout the scriptwriting process, both materially and psychologically.


Hi! I tried to read all the comments on this thread but struggled to get pased a lot of it!

I could be very wrong and projecting here, but i think the biggest barrier to scripters is navagating this website

Just like dude mentioned here i think this space needs some easier navigation, specifically on mobile. Ive been spending the last few days on here and while the more i figure it out the more i love all the little built in features and utility, i think im very much party of a nieche crowd that enjoying deep dives into content and tech in general that made me so inclined to jump into this rabbit hole, i think that a majority of the crowd for scripts are looking for easy of utility.
Considering just the sales volume of single axis devices its easy to tell that people are happy with a plug and play service, and while that mught be the end state with a lot of online businesses like SRL/etc. I think the biggest barrier for newbies is going to be finding useful information on here. While the tags are a great system, i think the mods need to come up with a round table of sorts and start hashing out standards and community recommendations and use those to create guides that can educate people on the basics while also furthering creativity but from an interoperability/peer reviewed lense so that we can keep building upon the entire communities hard work and projects dont lose steam.

In a lot of ways this is kind of like the health care industry in the US with thousands (in our case potentially) service providers, providing a service which is a necessity for the products utility, but not having a governing body to help ensure progress is made towards the end goal of plug and play automation. I think if there was a sort of community encouraged standards and guides to follow the rewards speak for them selves in terms of the end product, we just seem to have hard time amassing the interest driven support in an organised way and a potbetial idea i have for that could be to tokenize this community/standards/guides so that they can in turn create a reward system for people to invest more time in

I hope this makes sense and i apologize if i hurt any sentiments

Despite being a long term member here, I don’t trust the search system to work 100% since I’ve found it to be fiddly in what it chooses to show and doesn’t…most recent example of this was searching if a video was scripted and said no. However when I tried again with some weirdly specific and different query, it found that it was scripted via an post in Script Collections. I did try to search again using the exact text in the post and the search system failed to find it again for some reason. So I think it has troubles with searching inside of posts rather than the topic titles.

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You can quickly learn scripting on this site maybe collect the teaching videos and important threads in one place. I was also taken by the hand by Burtreynolds and coached out of the scripting faults I made.
I dont like the money involvement in scripting outside of commercial websites. Not sure its recognized but I am trying to establish a payment of scripts by fulfilling scripting requests of mine. This means the script stays with me until someone scripts something I like in return. When this happens my script is released to the community. No money involved and scripting forced. None of my requests have been fulfilled yet but I dont care.
A rating system would be nice to bring up overall scripting quality. Besides styles like rattles its quite clear what a script must be to be acceptable.

  • endpoints accurate never out of sync
  • Tip is a 0%
  • Exaggerated enough, half is 75% or more
  • max speed below 500 or 600U/sec so the machines dont skip

A rating system would also make the scripters correct their scripts and make them better if they get feedback.


This is such a creative and great idea! I might have to take you up on this when i learn more!

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